TDEE and Macros

TayTayDrenDren Posts: 65 Member
How do you guys determine your TDEE and macros? I've been trying to find mine but every calculator I've used has seemed a bit off. I'm very underweight so my BMR of course is going to be low but I'm mostly unsure of my activity level. I go to the gym about 3-4 days per week for about an hour (10-15 min are cardio with increasing speed intervals) and I work as a hostess for about 5-6 days a week where I'm on my feet for at least 4-6 hours.

As for Macros, I'm completely lost since I've seen so many different ways they can be split.

What do you think I should do?


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Scooby's is good!

    In order to determine macros, what are your goals?

  • TayTayDrenDren
    TayTayDrenDren Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm trying to gain muscle with as little fat as possible. I know that you are going to gain some but since I put myself through such restrictive dieting in the past I'm not exactly sure where I am in terms of fat. I also really want to get my body fat tested but all of the tests are either expensive or inaccurate. I had it tested back in October with calipers but I think the results were wrong since he didn't use them on my thighs, where I believe I have the most fat.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    You can use a few different online calculators and take an average. From there track for 4 weeks and adjusted based on actual results.

    Macros, in grams per lb of lbm:

    .8 to 1g of protein
    .35 to .6g of fat
    Rest in carbs

    To minimize fat gains, have a small surplus (10% or 250 cal over tdee) and a good progressive overload lifting program.
  • BrianKMcFalls
    BrianKMcFalls Posts: 190 Member
    You're getting good advice here. The calculations are really just a starting point, it will probably take a couple of 4 week cycles to really dial it in and that is going to be dependent on accurate logging.
  • TayTayDrenDren
    TayTayDrenDren Posts: 65 Member
    Ok but about where would you say my activity level is based on the info I gave?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Start with lightly active. Its better to be a bit conservative and then add more calories than the other way.
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    Working in a restaurant I definitely say to use very active right off the bat
  • giovanna8830
    giovanna8830 Posts: 80 Member
    Just because working in the restaurant, you can not say definitely ,,very active,, ......crazy as it confuses the level of activity :|
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    The calculators will only give you a place to start. It doesn't know your metabolism and activity of course changes day to day. I suggest tracking you food and weight and activity for several weeks and see based on the information are you gaining ,losing or maintaining? Weights can fluctuate daily water,hormones, types of food your eating. So just simply weighing 1 day a week you could feel your not making progress but you may be. Look at the weekly averages. For macro splits that can also be a bit personalized. I personally like more carbs and feel my body is more responsive than a higher level of fats with lower carbs. Also can dependent on you activity and goals too.