In need of friends!

Hi! I am a mom of a 15 month old (still nurses), and I am ready to start losing my baby weight.
I was successful losing weight before I was pregnant (lost around 60 - 70 lbs), but I found like 40 of it again, so time to do something!

I work full time and so finding time to exercise is difficult, so I am starting with just trying to eat healthier.

I am looking for friends to help keep me motivated, and to share struggles and successes with.


  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    You're going at it the right way. You can't lose weight with exercise. Exercise can help, but you lose weight by eating properly.

    But for a healthier you, try to get in some extra exercise throughout the day. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Take the long way to the restroom. Little things make a difference.

    You can add me if you like.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I am busy too, I set my exercise goal at just 10 minutes a day. I can usually do a bit more but it varies. I figure once I get a routine down it will increase, as will my stamina. Chasing a little one around is going to keep you moving!