


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Bring a sandwich next time.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    You have to grow a thicker skin. That doesn't mean your coworkers are discouraged from growing their own skins and not criticizing you either. A balance will prevail where everybody is equally happy (or agitated). It's only bad when things only go to one extreme.

    This reminds me of a time where I started to use a microwave after someone. I fanned the inside of the microwave to lessen the smell after she removed her food and she got offended. She seriously asked me if I didn't like pizza smell. I said no I don't want my broccoli to smell like pizza just like she wouldn't like her pizza to smell like broccoli.

    People often forget to put themselves in the other's shoe to see...
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    That's so weird. My coworker has Lean Cuisine pastas every day and they smell AMAZING! Currently sitting over here jealous with my stupid healthy homemade meal.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    coboblack wrote: »
    That sounds like you have some pretty crappy co-workers, but something tells me if they act this way about a smell in the microwave, they are probably pretty crappy in general and it is more about their personalities than it is the food you brought in.

    Now, this, of course, is based on how you framed it. You also might want to look at whether or not you are simply embarrassed, (especially since the act is tied to something emotional like your goal of losing weight) and are reading too much into the things they are saying and giving their words too much power. Instead of shutting down and letting it effect you, you can try to embrace it with humor. "Yeah, yeah, I know...healthy food taste like crap and apparently smells like crap too. But at least I won't feel like crap after eating it".

    That said, I think there are a ton of better options out there than lean cuisines that you can do that can be fun to make, taste better, and be better for you.

    Its very cheap to pick up your own food containers.

    Can get multiple packages of Uncle Bens Brown and Wild rice. (Two servings per package)

    And then you can grill/bake 5 servings of salmon or chicken spiced the way you like. Throw in either some peas, asparagus tips, or some green beans and you have a perfect meal for lunch that will taste good, be healthier for you and won't make a smell in the office.

    You can switch it up from time to time to getting whole grain pasta with some chicken and a few sprinkles of cheese with some well-made tomato sauce. (Something with only a few ingredients or one that you make yourself)

    The great thing about this is you spend one-day cooking, like a Sunday, and you fix meals for the whole week. (We do it as a family and use it as time to spend together with my wife and kids) You remove the decision-making process out of it and keep the convenience. Just grab your lunch and then bring a lot of water and some fruit to work with you to snack in between meals. Hope this helps, don't let them get you down and good luck!

    I admit, I actually like a lot of the Lean Cuisines, including the rigatoni that the OP ate. For the past four years I eat them for lunch almost daily at work, but never at home or on the weekends. I hate to cook though. I don't like W.W. ones much and I hate Healthy Choice. I really like the Lean Cuisine pizza's sandwiches and fish.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I don't know what happened with this one--they usually smell OK but maybe the plastic got affected somehow? I did use the microwave right after someone used it for 10 minutes straight so maybe all that heat built up did something. Either way might just steer clear of the rigatoni one for a bit.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Once, I did meet childish with childish. The leader of the constant drama was headed to the restroom (single use, gender-inclusive restroom) and I made an obvious move of "Hey ___, wait a second! Don't forget to take the Poo-pourri with you. We all have to share that bathroom, you know." I handed him the Poo-pourri and went back to my office.

    Immature response, but I felt so much better. And never had another issue with him again. :naughty:

    BTW, Poo-pourri is awesome. I have it in the bathroom in the new office. Lots of people, one little poorly ventilated bathroom.

    ***I am not sponsored by, nor do I represent Poo-pourri.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    Tell 'em "better the smell that thighs from hell!"

    Also, coudl you talk to the chef and ask if s/he has anything a little lighter in his/her repertoire?

    Ha I like that one! Unfortunately our chef is...um very full of pride. When someone even requests less of a meal (like lamb every single week) he gets insulted and moody. I know a few people have asked for lighter options and he rolled out a terrible hack of a salad bar. He has started adding fresh fruit everyday which is nice, but I tend to not get on the chef's bad side because it's just not good when he gets moody.

    I love that quote!!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Know a guy who was an Army Ranger before starting a business. No matter how heated things got (and I'm talking about the ability to make payroll or otherwise keep the business going, not lunch in the microwave), he maintained his poise. Would always say, "It's a good day if nobody got shot and everyone got a meal." I think once you have had people in your responsibility shot and killed, you might be genuinely grateful to have problems that worst case involve job-loss, not life-loss. At least he seemed genuinely grateful. (FWIW, after an IPO, dot.com rollercoaster & acquisition, the operation is still running and money was made by all.)

    To get your panties in a bunch about a smell, well, it sounds like life is just too easy for those folks. Maybe they need harder jobs or something.
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    Not your problem if the smell bothers them. Tell them how much their greasy food repulses you and you can't believe they put that disgusting garbage in their bodies. They will probably chill out.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,910 Member
    I had a boss who complained vociferously about the smell of microwaved popcorn...despite having forbade the microwaving of popcorn and so none occurred the whole four years I worked there.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    I had a co-worker who was always on the cabbage soup diet (awful diet where you only eat stinky soup made from cabbage and tomatoes). She used to eat about 8 bowls a day so the office always stank of reheated cabbage. Everyone used to tell her it was stinky and she just used to laugh about it. In the end she lost a lot of weight so 10 more people started doing it too.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    If that happens to me, I usually tease them back. I find it tends to lighten the mood and makes me part of the fun rather than the source of it, if that makes sense.
    I have a friend who is so good at this. I want to be able to do that.
  • JGilchrist23
    JGilchrist23 Posts: 30 Member
    You are not alone. I once heated up a beautiful bit of salmon in the microwave at work and even I had to admit that it was really smelly. I had to listen to the office drama queen fake retching all afternoon. But guess what, the next day it was something else they were all going on about. It'll pass!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    You are not alone. I once heated up a beautiful bit of salmon in the microwave at work and even I had to admit that it was really smelly. I had to listen to the office drama queen fake retching all afternoon. But guess what, the next day it was something else they were all going on about. It'll pass!

    Same exact thing has happened to me, salmon and the office drama queen making comments and spraying air freshener all afternoon... :s
    Lean Cuisines smell fine, sheesh. Sometimes I even get comments like "What are you making? That smells so good!"
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Food smells. They can get over it or leave.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Nice responses. I guess the attention was all on you. I would not have liked it either. But I like when posters above say to make a joke about it too. Hugs
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    At my last job, my office was closest to the kitchen. People would burn toast, burn popcorn, and make all sorts of things that would stink up the place. It REALLY sucked because it was in the center of the building with no real vent. All the fire alarms would go off - there'd be no way to air out the stink. *ugh*

    I remember once too - I had had something that was too rich and made me sick. I ran to the bathroom to throw up, and it got on the wall. I tried to clean it up the best I could - but it wasn't the best job apparently. Some people were joking around about whoever did it not having good aim - they thought it was poop!! (I don't know how people don't know the difference in smell between poop and throw up!)

    Anyway - we did have a conference room area that had a small kitchen that nobody really used during the day. When I wanted to be by myself during lunch, I'd go over there. For some time, there was a real jerk that worked there who kept trying to get me fired - and whenever he was in the office, I really liked being able to go over there for lunch....If I stayed in the office, he always found an excuse to come in and talk to me or ask me to do something - we were supposed to have a 45 minute "duty free lunch" and he always would ask his assistants to do projects while they were at lunch. I don't know if there's another area you can go to fix or have your lunch, but that might be an option.