ladies only

Hey ladies so I have the mirena iud & I notice that my weight goes up & down a lot I've been eating within my calories and exercising but for some reason I will always hold on to 7 pounds of weight then the next week it will go down for a couple of days then be back up again? Anyone have the same problem? Thank you!


  • stylzemail
    stylzemail Posts: 33 Member
    Calories not staying at low- level - long enough....a person can diet 5 days out the week then as soon as they eat pizza or cake ...... at end of week, the progress stops. Then they have to start over. If you check out fitness models I been around some when some function going on the managers always have a ordered big cake and refreshments, snbd the skinny models "never" eat a slice of cake -its that mind set .
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Water retention, probably. Do you have a day on which you eat out maybe? The higher salt/sugar content of restaurant food could lead to water retention for several days.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    OP, do you use a food scale? Can you open your diary for us? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    What are your stats (height, age, current weight, goal weight, and how many pounds per week did you choose to lose?)

    How much sodium do you consume?

    You could be going through normal fluctuations just from fluid retention (hormones, sodium, dehydration, constipation). If you've started or increased exercise this can cause temporary fluid retention which shows on the scale.
    stylzemail wrote: »
    Calories not staying at low- level - long enough....a person can diet 5 days out the week then as soon as they eat pizza or cake ...... at end of week, the progress stops. Then they have to start over. If you check out fitness models I been around some when some function going on the managers always have a ordered big cake and refreshments, snbd the skinny models "never" eat a slice of cake -its that mind set .


    One doesn't have to go low level calories to lose weight. As long as one stays under their TDEE, they'll lose weight. OP didn't mention splurging, either... Also cake and pizza CAN be eaten if it fits in the daily calories. I eat pizza, chocolate, Cheetos, McD's, KFC as well as nutritious food and I've lost 100lbs (yes I am proud of this.) I watch my protein, fats, fibre and micros and let the rest fall wherever.

    Weight loss is ALL about calorie deficit.

    If I couldn't eat the foods I enjoyed while losing weight, I would be miserable and most likely have given up.
  • salina14u
    salina14u Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2017
    I lost 59 pounds so far. I eat 1600 calories a day get at least 12 ,000 steps a day & 30 mins of hiit cardio 4 times a week & 2 days of weights. Iam 212 pounds .iam 28 5'7
  • AriaLace
    AriaLace Posts: 59 Member
    I got the mirena in about 7 months ago and it hasn't changed anything with my weight or weight loss. Intially when it was put in I obviously showed a gain on the scale because of a lot of bloating, water retention and I allowed myself a week break from dieting because I was in agony and wanted to feel better haha. But after that it hasn't made any effect on my weight at all
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    stylzemail wrote: »
    Calories not staying at low- level - long enough....a person can diet 5 days out the week then as soon as they eat pizza or cake ...... at end of week, the progress stops. Then they have to start over. If you check out fitness models I been around some when some function going on the managers always have a ordered big cake and refreshments, snbd the skinny models "never" eat a slice of cake -its that mind set .

    If someone is eating at the correct calorie deficit for their weight goals then they'll lose weight, regardless of what kinds of foods they're eating.
  • Lxftcoastenvy
    Lxftcoastenvy Posts: 11 Member
    I had the Mirena and now I have the nexplanon and my body has gone through extreme changes this time around. I lift 5 days a week and I eat good foods and still felt like my results weren't great but watching my macros changed alot. You're eating within calories but are you getting enough protein. Where are the calories from? For me it's less about pounds and more of fat loss and that helped.Also what kind of exercise? When I was younger I did an hour of cardio everyday lost alot then stalled and wore myself out. I get better results faster strength training.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Track it on an weight app and compare it to your cycles whether you have a period or not. I will gain 7-12lbs of water retention between ovulation and my period but the day I start I lose almost 5lbs and the next few days is usually 2lbs a day until I'm actually a couple lbs lighter than my baseline. Then I show a steady weight for two weeks until I ovulate again. Don't stress on the number if you fluctuate that much. Take before, during and after pictures and break out a tape measure so you see the changes when the scale is reflecting water level composition changes.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Mirena definitely made me more sensitive to water retention and gave me cravings at first which I gave in to. When I started drinking more water though and keeping an eye on sodium it balanced out. Of course I also stopped giving into the evening sweets cravings which brought my calories down by a few hundred a day. I swapped the treats with licorice tea.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Everyone's weight naturally fluctuates all the time, and it can take awhile for you to learn about what your natural fluctuation range and pattern looks like. For example, since this time last week, I'm up about 3 pounds. In that time, I had a couple of high-sodium days and a couple of days where my activity level was much higher than normal (which always means I see some water retention). It still freaks me out, but I know from experience that this fluctuation is within my normal pattern, and that it's a normal response for my body given the factors I just mentioned. Try to be patient and just observe your natural weight fluctuations.