Geting ripped while building muscle !

bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
So this is possible but your diet needs to be on point I want to start this discution because im no expert in nutrition and im training my *kitten* off for the last year but iv never managed to get rid of the small fat pouch on the lower belly can any1 give some tips, recepies , or tell me what im doing wrong ? Thank you !!! Vlad


  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    I am also nee here and im looking to make a lot of fitness fatatics friends !! :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You say you've been training hard for the last year and haven't lost the last of the belly fat, so maybe you just need to cut and consider a bulk later.

    For some better tailored advice you'll need to answer some questions:
    Lifting experience:
    Current program:
    What your eating is like (Calories and macros, do you weigh your food, do you "cheat"):
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Well im 28 1.76m
    @82 kg
    On and off lifting since im 18 curently lifting for over a year continuous
    Monday : chest
    Tuesday : back
    Thursday : cardio
    Friday : shoulders biceps triceps
    Saturday : legs
    Sunday : Rest

    Morning starts with coffee and milk 1 teaspoon sugar then i have my protein shake ( isolate protein frozen fruit berrys banana and oats a scoop ) gym time after gym noodels and chicken breast 1 piece ! Protein shake for diner and snacks like rice cakes and nuts i try and skip dinner ...
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Oh and yes once a week i eat chinese like ribs in sauce chicken noodles rice and spring rools ... All fried
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    So you don't weigh your food and you haven't been tracking calories and macros. That's part of your problem.

    Do you follow a program or make up stuff when you get to the gym?
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    I follow a program but ur right i dont weight my food and i dont track calories and especialy macros because i dont really know haw ? And if i started weighting the food i woldnt know haw much of this haw much of that i would need ?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Just start. Weigh your food and track in on MyFitnessPal for a few weeks. See what your normal food adds up to for calories, protein, carbs, and fat. Track your cheat day.

    After a couple of weeks start paying attention to actually hitting calorie and macro goals. If I were you I'd aim for around 2,000 calories with about 150 grams of protein. That means your cheat days are going to have to be far more controlled than plowing through tons of Chinese food. Doesn't mean you have to give up your Chinese, but maybe cut down on the portions or stick to one dish and still log the food.

    What program do you follow? I've asked a couple of times and you haven't really answered.
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Chest : bench press 4-6 sets at the moment up to 90 kg 10 reps , incline dumbell 4 sets 30 kg dumbells decline 4 sets 25 kg dubells 10 reps flatbench flys 15 kg 4 sets 10 reps cable cross pulling down 4 sets and then pulling up 4 sets also iv incorporeted the dumbell row on flat bench lately
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Back : pullups 4 sets 10 8 6 6
    Bar row 4 sets up to 70 kg 10 reps
    Machine pullover 4 sets 10 reps up to 60 kg
    Dumbells rows 30 kg alternating hands 4 sets 10 reps
    Pulldown bar 4 sets to failure usualy around 35-40 kg
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    So you're following a program you made up?
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Cardio : football for 1 hour if not im boxing skipping rope
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Shoulders : dumbell press on 90 * bench 4 sets up to 30 kg 10 reps
    Lateral raises 10 15 kg 10 reps
    Front raises dumbells 10 kg 4 sets 10 reps
    Back shoulders on machine .. dont know haw its called .. 4 sets 10 reps
    Bar pull up to chin 20 kg 4 sets 10 reps
    After i finish i do with very small weight a circuit with a bar presses front and lateral raises

    Biceps : bench incline ez bar 4 sets 10 reps
    Dumbels 4 sets 10 reps per hand 15 kg
    Straight bar 10 reps with elbows locked 10 reps with elbows coming back 4 sets

    Triceps: flatbench ez bar 10 reps 4 sets @ 20_30 kg
    Push dows bodyweight 4 sets 10 _12 reps
    V bar cable push down 4 sets 10 reps up to 50 kg
    Rope kn cable 4 sets 10 reps
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Legs : squats 4 - 5 sets up to 100 kg 10 reps
    Lounges with 30 kg vest 5 steps per leg 3 sets
    Leg extensions on machine 4 sets 10 reps
    Back legs on machine 4 sets 10 reps
    Calves 4_6 sets till failure
    Also i walk after leg workout @ 1 km
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    I know iv mightv not spell right some of them i hope you know what i mean :wink:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Did you make that program up or did you find it somewhere? I'm asking because there are lots of really good programs out there, many of which hit body parts twice per week. For what you are wanting, doing a split like your current one is not giving you the most out of your gym time.
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    Started this one about 3 weeks ago made it myself ! I was training 2 muscle groups before like chest and biceps, back and triceps but i find it better working 1 group of muscle because i can put more pressure and work at a higher intensity
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm going to suggest looking into a professionally built program based on what you've said so far.
  • bushu_
    bushu_ Posts: 18 Member
    The program works good for me at the moment im stuck at the food part and do you think i should do more cardio maybe 3-4 time per week ?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    usmcmp has given you some very solid advice. Keep doing what you've been doing and you'll keep getting the same results you've been getting.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    bushu_ wrote: »
    The program works good for me at the moment im stuck at the food part and do you think i should do more cardio maybe 3-4 time per week ?

    I already told you above to start tracking your food and cut way back on the cheating.