How many calories do you go over your base on cheat days?



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Nanjass02 wrote: »
    I usually eat 1200 calories but today I feel so guilty because I had 2066 , I ate 3 slices of pizza and some candy and I feel so bad with myself :(
    The bolded is exactly why people say that the concept of a cheat day can cause a bad mental relationship with food.

    I ate 3 pieces of pizza last night, and drank wine, and did not consider that cheating. I wanted to have pizza and game night with my family. I actually was under cals for the day, but the day prior to that I was over by about 700 from eating a bunch of yummy stuff at book club. No guilt either way, and because I had planned for both, I'm still right on track for the week. Until today when we go out for boozy shakes and popcorn at a movie...but even then, no guilt.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't have cheat days, I just fit everything going I want to eat into my weekly calorie goal.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    On those days when I go over my daily calories, it's usually no more than 2-500 over. See how I worded that OP? :)

    I'm also usually 2-300 under every day anyway, so over the course of a week I'm in a deficit anyway. And there's no need to feel bad. Food is great stuff, and an awful lot of folks here love to eat, and eat some tasty stuff too. Perspective. Food isn't bad and you aren't a cheater. You're someone who exercised their right to eat what they wanted to on a given day. Log it, move on :)
  • XOsmileXO
    XOsmileXO Posts: 7 Member
    I have life Days! Mon-Fri I have my routine, Sat and Sunday I go with the flow, Being mindful but letting myself be Me. I know where I want to be. I decided on the Goal Im determined to reach it. I re-adjust by adding 2 extra at the gym. Love yourself first. Otherwise maybe your cheating your life! Live- Love- Laugh and eat the pizza!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't restrict myself to the point of needing to go out and blow things up. I just maintain a manageable deficit when I'm losing weight and go slow and steady.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I eat light on weekdays and heavier on weekends, to keep it at the correct level for my stated weight-loss goal of 1.5lbs/wk. That means if I "bank" 150 cals for 5 days. I can eat 750 more cals sometime on the weekend.

    That said, the word "cheat" only bothers me because it sounds unplanned. That's how I got overweight in the first place. But it sounds like you'd like to plan your higher-calorie days, so no problem. :)
  • roerun116
    roerun116 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to this. So I'm trying hard to eat healthy but also satisfied, so I can do as a life style. If you overdue it next day start fresh. DONT FEEL GUILTY
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    I would give myself an extra 300-400 calories for a cheat day. But limit my cheat days to once every 3 weeks. :)
  • estherjellybabe
    estherjellybabe Posts: 14 Member
    What i do is I still count calories during my cheat day, then the next 2-4 days eat slightly less than normal OR exercise more than normal, so that the average for that week is still around my goal. I allow myself a cheat meal if I'm abroad or once every few weeks as a treat.
  • EricaCraigie
    EricaCraigie Posts: 1,396 Member
    I don't do cheat days lol no point
  • LateWinterWolf90
    LateWinterWolf90 Posts: 42 Member
    I don't doc heat days. why do all that hard work just to blow it in one day? There is 0 point in them. I include what i want to eat in my daily calories every day.
  • bspikes86
    bspikes86 Posts: 61 Member
    None. If I want extra calories I either exercise more or bank calories from a previous day. There's no reason to "cheat" yourself out of weight loss.

    In your case, you probably ate at about maintenance so it's not like you will gain weight over your cheat, water weight maybe.

    I love this response. I will remember this. Thank you
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have days where I eat at maintenance on purpose, just because I wanted something that couldn't keep me within a deficit. Maybe that's a better guideline to aim for...rather than a "cheat" day that could easily become a binge, have a maintenance day, especially if your calorie goal is 1200. I personally couldn't do 1200 calories without wanting to "cheat" everyday. I don't like being hungry. :)
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Rowan09 wrote: »
    Cheat days work for some people. Let's not be judgemental, kids...

    Not being judgemental. I'm merely sharing what works for me. YMMV, of course.
  • dra11op1
    dra11op1 Posts: 5 Member
    Try googling carb and calorie cycling, there is some evidence that altering calorie intake throughout the week can be beneficial to prevent the body going into starvation mode and keeping the metabolism revving. You would essentially distribute calorie allocation unevenly across the week - with two days per week at maintenance level calories (this is when you would indulge in treats that you wouldn't have on the lower calorie days) usually 48-72 hours apart as this is how long it takes for low calorie intake to slow metabolism. An example would be 1200, 1500, 2200. 1200, 1500,1200, 2200 - More intense exercise days are generally scheduled for high cal days and rest days on low cal days. Anyone have experience with this zig zag method?
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited January 2017
    I generally do 6 days a week in deficit and one day a week at maintenance. The maintenance day coincides with a dinner out, etc. But it's all in my plan. Cheat days (for me) are not an all-you-can-eat gorge/binge day.

    ETA ... and I don't call it a "cheat day" either. I don't feel like I'm denying myself on my deficit days, so I don't feel a need to "cheat". It's a planned pattern.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I don't know if this is going to be enlightening or discouraging, but here goes ...

    When you put your stats into MFP, it calculates your net calorie target in order to achieve the rate of weight loss that you entered. Something to keep in mind is that as you lose weight, and you get more fit (assuming you are exercising as well), your caloric needs will go down coincident with your weight. Here is an example ...

    Ignoring exercise for the moment, assuming I had a sedentary/desk job, using this calculator, then
    • at my starting weight (279 lbs), my maintenance intake was ~2500 cals, and my deficit intake ~2000 cals, to lose 1 lb per week
    • at my target weight (174 lbs), my maintenance intake is ~2000 cals
    Again, those are my sedentary numbers. I make further allowances for my activity levels and consume further calories to offset the workouts as needed.

    So, that means the intake that I had while on deficit at my starting weight was pretty much the same as my maintenance intake when I am at my target weight. Your own calculations may be different, but keep this in mind if you are doing a drastic deficit and a massive cheat. If you hit your goal, and then go back to your old intake levels, you'll more than likely head right back to your old weight.

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I have calculated refeed days where I set a minimum carbohydrate intake and a maximum calorie limit. Once I reach both, I stop.
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    I don't disagree with cheat days. Different strokes for different folks and all that. But I don't do them myself. I find it hard to refocus if I do them. I set my calories for 1000 per day, and then I almost always hit about 1150 or 1200. Not sure why this works for me....but it does.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I don't disagree with cheat days. Different strokes for different folks and all that. But I don't do them myself. I find it hard to refocus if I do them. I set my calories for 1000 per day, and then I almost always hit about 1150 or 1200. Not sure why this works for me....but it does.

    Why do you aim to eat below the recommended minimum calorie allotment? Do you exercise? Do you eat back some of those calories as well?