Diet after gallbladder

Just had my gallbladder removed, not sure what kind of data they are talking about im thinking from meat, I changed that iv been eating more salads but not sure if I should be using ranch. I have not been back to the dr I have no insurance so I have not been told what to eat or not. I have had a lot more energy don't know if that is what happens. Please someone help on things what to eat and if I should take supplements :/


  • drkazimmomin
    drkazimmomin Posts: 1 Member
    Only avoid fat loaded bulky diet to avoid overfilling feeling of stomach
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited January 2017
    You ideally should check in with the doctor if you are unsure.


    Normally low fat. You will learn what foods upset you.

    It's actually more about bile production to break down fat than being overfull.

    You may find this link helpful but please don't substitute it for medical advice.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Mine was removed about ten years ago and whilst I had some issues to start with, now I eat normally. I was never given a special diet.

    Things I noticed - I HAD to eat breakfast. Without a gallbladder, bile slowly drips into the stomach. Which made me nauseous until I gave it something to do - ie. Ate something

    Artichokes and lamb are both 'bile-forming'. They encourage the production of bile. Making a lamb and artichoke tagine is not a good idea of you don't want to spend the next few days feeling sick.

    Basically try not to eat fatty foods too much, but otherwise you should be able to eat normally. The main thing I have found is that I have to have regular meals and if I go too long without eating I feel a bit sick.
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    I had mine out 12 years ago. Never had a special diet or any problems with any foods. My mom can't handle peanut butter after her's was out. I think everyone is different. My step=grandmother insisted she "had to" eat every two hours after her's was out. Lol. She just liked to eat.
  • LisaEatSleepRun
    LisaEatSleepRun Posts: 159 Member
    I had mine out in September last year with keyhole surgery and ate 'light' for a week (salad, crackers, fruit, toast) then added dairy, eggs & fish (I don't eat red or white meat) back without problem. I bought digestive enzymes and ox bile supplements as suggested on a few sites, however honestly I have not needed them at all. The body is an amazing healer, I think you just need time! If you can't see a doctor of dietitian, try re-adding foods slowly back to your diet & if you have problems, leave that food out for a while. I eat a LCHF diet again now as I did prior to GB removal and never have digestive issues, indicating that dietary fats are not an issue for me. Best of luck.
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    I can't eat greasy foods. Or tolerate to much spice though that could be an entirely different issue.. like age. I use to eat stuff like liquid stupid made from habenaros and ghost peppers with no side effects. Now I can barely tolerate pepper. I had mine out 10 years ago and can't eat grease at ALL. I made the mistake of having bojangles chicken two nights ago.. spent all yesterday on the toilet. All fried foods do this to me now. And milk.. but that could be age related as well. Everything else I'm ok with!