Kik group for emotional eaters getting healthy

Hey everybody.
I'm Elle, I'm 18, and I'm an emotional eater. I eat my feelings. It's a problem and I need support from people who understand to help me get it under control. If you can relate, please shoot me a message on kik.
My screen name is ekritt7
I'm recovered from anorexia as of three years ago. I picked up emotional eating during my recovery. I'm currently at a BMI of 26.6 or so (slightly overweight) and frequently consider reverting to my anorexia for weight loss strategies. I'm here because I want to be in a body that I love and feel good in, and I don't want to get there in an unhealthy way.
Contact me if you'd like to be in a group )or we can just talk one-on-one) to provide support in our journeys towards healthier and happier lives :)


  • Fitwithit80
    Fitwithit80 Posts: 499 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    While I can appreciate your desire for support, I must recommend that you edit out your other contact details and build a support network here. Best of luck to you.