Does this workout plan look good? And for how long?

Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
How long should I do this plan for, would you recommend? Or should I switch up any exercises? Thanks!

Lower body
3 sets
1. Barbell Squats x 12
2. Barbell straight leg deadlifts x 12
3. Barbell hip thrusts x 12
4. Single leg bench/chair squat x 12 each (stand on one leg put other leg out in front of you and sit)
5. Place mini band at knees, single leg hip thrusts x 12 each
6. Large fitness ball (stability plastic ball) hamstring pull ins x 12
7. Mini band at knees, bridge then open and close hips x 20
8. Barbell standing calf raises x 12

Upper body - Back, chest, and abs
3 sets
1. Romanian deadlift x 12
2. DB bent over row x 12
3. Single arm cable lat pull down x 12
4. DB flat chest press x 12
5. DB chest fly x 12
6. DB pull overs x 12
7. Weighted crunch x 10
8. Bicycle crunch x 20
9. Plank x 30 seconds
10. Leg raises off floor hold x 3 seconds x 10

Wednesday - Cardio only

Lower body
3 sets
1. DB goblet squats x 12
2. DB single leg deadlifts x 12 each
3. Band at knees and squat x 20
4. DB walking lunges x 12 steps each foot
5. Band at knees, side walking squats x 10 each direction
6. Mini band at knees fire hydrants x 12 each leg
7. Resistance band or cable pull trough thrusts x 20
8. Prone glute extensions x 12 each leg (lye on stomach and drive leg up behind you)

Upper body - Shoulders, arms, abs
3 sets
1. DB seated overhead press x 12
2. DB side raises x 12
3. DB front raises x 12
4. DB rear raises x 12
5. DB hammer curls x 12
6. Barbell curls x 12
7. Cable pushdowns x 12
8. Cable overhead extensions x 12 each
9. Cable kickbacks x 12
10. Low cable curls x 12 each
11. Standing cable crunch x 10
12. Toe taps x 20
13. Russian weighted twists x 10 each side

Saturday - Cardio only


  • You could always add a little more abs and some yoga on your cardio days.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Who made the plan and how long does it say to do it? To me, it looks complicated. I do better with something more like 5x5 but am trying a version of strong curves to see the booty results.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Honestly I'd go with an established program...something like strong curves or new rules would probably serve you well. This seems like a lot of volume...more is not always better. Also, you're hitting your hammies two days in a row with straight leg and RDLs on Mon and Tues.

    Personally, I'm a big proponent of full body programming for the vast majority of people and in particular, individuals who are newer to lifting. My coach trains a variety of athletes as well as regular Joe Shmoes like myself and he has the vast majority do full body programming 2-3x per week. He only trains splits for his body builders and physique competitors who need that kind of volume...and frankly, if that's your aim, I'd say there are probably better established programs out there that would be more efficient.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    I had a online coach and this is what she had for me. I have two more weeks of this and then wasn't sure where to go.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    I had a online coach and this is what she had for me. I have two more weeks of this and then wasn't sure where to go.

    So finish the two weeks with the trainer and then start a new program?
    Strong Curves and NROLFW as mentioned above are very popular, and you can get information about how long you should follow/when you need to switch things up, etc rather than guessing about this one.
    As cwolfman13 also said, there are some flaws with the programming you laid out. RDL's are predominantly a hamstring exercise, doesn't make much sense to have them on upper body day, especially the day after working your legs.
    I would guess this is purposely aimed towards less upper body work and more focus on lower body/abs. (Not the way I would set it up or exercises I would choose, but I digress.) If that's what you prefer I would definitely look into Strong Curves.
  • nomorepuke
    nomorepuke Posts: 320 Member
    I like your routine a lot. It looks complicated but that's better. I was taught that the more complicated and the more your body doesn't get used to your exercises the more muscle gain happens.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    I like your routine a lot. It looks complicated but that's better. I was taught that the more complicated and the more your body doesn't get used to your exercises the more muscle gain happens.

    A complicated workout does not equal more muscle gain.
    Some of the most popular and effective workout plans are extremely simple.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,432 MFP Moderator
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    I like your routine a lot. It looks complicated but that's better. I was taught that the more complicated and the more your body doesn't get used to your exercises the more muscle gain happens.

    Muscle confusion or "tricking" your body isn't a thing. Your body responses to a stimulus (volume). Changing it, or following some crazy scheme, can and often will make it more difficult to get results due to the inability to increase volume. If you look at most of the very successful programs out there, they are often very simple.

    OP, I think its largely overcomplicated and a ton of volume (I actually dont' know how you get through it all). I personally think you would benefit from a well structured proven routine: NROL4W; StrongCurves; Thinner, Leaner Stronger.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    RDLs after leg day doesn't make sense.
    No way to know how long you could do this routine. What intensity/%RM are your lifts, what's the progression?
    Are you progressing?
    Calorie deficit or surplus?
    Deload frequency?
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    It is tough to give advice on a program without knowing two very important things.
    1. Are you new to working out? Experience level beginner or have you been working out for years?
    2. What exactly are you trying to accomplish goal wise?
    It definitely includes lots of exercises and motions, and as others have mentioned that doesn't always mean better.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    I have been lifting weights for a couple months. I am currently benching 95lbs my deadlifts are 95lbs and so are my squats. My calories are 1500. Protein 130, carbs 150 and fats 42. It takes me a little over a hour to finish each day. Just trying to get lean. Current weight 124.4. 34 years old Mom to 5.. ages 8,5,4 and twins 14 months:-)
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Congrats on the large family and on joining the weight lifting community.
    Have you been progressing with the workout? Getting stronger? If you can handle this workout and enjoy it, there is certainly nothing glaringly wrong with it, but I think it is safe to say that it is not your typical beginner workout, and includes many repetitive motions and hitting the same muscle from every direction possible. You can trim the fat on this program so to speak, and I would definitely recommend stronglifts, or strong curves. It has gotten popular for a reason.

  • Cope_Jr
    Cope_Jr Posts: 11 Member
    I was following shortcut to size and had good results. You plan has a lot of movement.. which could be good in terms of lifestyle and goals. It is too busy for my taste
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Okay and can I just google these new plans? Or are they apps?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,432 MFP Moderator
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Okay and can I just google these new plans? Or are they apps?

    Here is your one stop shop for all things lifting programs.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I agree with what's already been said:
    1) That's a lot of volume for a newer lifter.
    2) Seems very "busy"
    3) Romanian Deadlifts are a lower body exercise so doing them the day after your lower body workout is a bad idea.

    4) Your first upper body day doesn't have any shoulder specific movements. I'd replace the RDLs with shoulder presses.
    5) Your second upper body day doesn't have any chest specific exercises. I'd replace the kickbacks with DB presses.

    All that said, I second the recommendation to go with an established, non-customized program.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Thank you!
  • goldenbeaut
    goldenbeaut Posts: 47 Member
    I know some people are saying it's a complicated routine, but its actually a little similar to mine and i made my own routine up by getting a bit from 5x5 and PHUL, which i absolutely loved both programs but got bored after about 9 months of each. my concerns with your routine are:
    - deadlifts on both these days might be to heavy
    - instead of doing 12 reps, you could maybe try a slightly higher weight and do only 8 reps

    also i would probably up the calories since this is a high volume routine. like i said, I've been doing something simliar for about 7 weeks now and have been getting great results.
    Also congrats on the 5 kids, wow!! you look amazing!!!!!!! i have two myself :) they are 6 and 4.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    Now, one thing about workout plans : One doesn't fit all. You will make gains no matter what really, as long as you do the movements correctly. Your plan looks a little too high in volume to be honest. If it were me, and I was at the beginning of my journey, this kind of load would not motivate me all that much.

    As for me, if it was someone I know, I would recommend 4 core exercises to start with until they became intermediate:
    Front Squats

    If you did these correctly, you will definitely be extremely strong, and fit. Once you mastered these, you could do more area specific movements for parts you want to focus on.
    I am not sure if it is a good idea to start doing 50 different exercises all at once to be honest..
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Thanks everyone!
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