Is my exercising method any good?



  • CiaIgle
    CiaIgle Posts: 72 Member
    I have sometimes the same situations described by the OP.

    I use to travel and can't book a hotel with gym, or have no place to run (basically because is raining, etc). So my sporadic situations are your regular ones.

    I have to add a knee injury (lasting 3 months !!) and the fact than in a hotel you should not make too much noise but I wish to do HIIT.

    Well, believe it or not, I found on Internet videos for "low impact high intensity 500 calories burning work out". Though specifically to do at places where you cannot make noise like ... hotel rooms. In my case it also helped with my knee :smile:

    So, there is surely a myriad of workout routines that can help you.

    Good luck.

  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    edited January 2017
    I don't go to a gym either the only one close is a community center and there are kids everywhere, after I got hurt when a child joined me on a treadmill I stopped going. I use apps on my phone, my favorites are runtastic six pack abs and Push ups. They are both free and have different training sessions that last various times.

    I understand not wanting to go walking with a screaming child in a stroller that just seems like punishment for both you and the child. You don't want to associate getting fit with stress and anxiety which is what a screaming kid would probably do.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    due to some health issues, all i do is walk for my exercise and it's working well for me. my diet is strict, so that helps, too. i think what you are doing is great. good luck! :smile:
  • imlindaheart
    imlindaheart Posts: 22 Member
    I have now downloaded the 7 minute HICT app, which is quite intense. Doing this 2-3 times a day plus my 4-5 x10 minute dancing/aerobics sessions and daily leisurely walks... it's starting to feel like I'm working out all day long :D Must see some effect at least. To stay ontop, I have set alarms every hour to get my 10 min workout.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Anything is better than nothing. The advantage of 60 minutes vs 6x 10 minutes though is that it works your endurance as well, but it's still better than nothing!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Thanks, I will check it out. And yes, I do go out every day with my son, but I can't walk much. He doesn't like strollers and only wants to walk on his own. And it's not really walking, more like me waiting and standing around and trying to keep him off the street while he investigates every stone, bench and counts cars :) As I'm barely moving, I don't count us going out as exercise.

    Sounds like me walking the dogs :)

    Contrary to others, I'd think of the walks as enjoyable time spent with your son. You are both getting some fresh air and having fun, so don't stress the exercise part of it. As you get lighter, you will be able to do more but don't make your walks torture for the two of you.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,164 Member
    stylzemail wrote: »
    You don't need 2 hours of exercise to lose body fat.- Give this a try- Breakfast bowl of oatmeal raw uncooked, just add some apple juice and raisins in it (a person don't have to cook oatmeal). That's everyday breakfast. - and it's cheap. For Lunch - eat microwave popcorn or a bag of sunflower seeds and apple juice. Dinner- eat only greens , and meat chicken or fish , no bread, no starch, - if you have to go to restaurants order small salad and meat drink teas . Eat this same pattern , for two weeks everyday, you will lose weight, its like for example if a person has a cat you feed it the same cat food - everyday. Breakfast is uncooked oats mixture. Lunch is popcorn -or..... sunflower seeds, dinner meat and veggies.

    No. Don't do this. It does nothing to help you learn how to eat at a proper calorie amount with foods you would normally eat.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    If its in your budget, I'd recommend a basic fitbit or step tracker to help you understand the totality of your movements. Getting up and moving when you can is a great approach. Part of that will help to bring you out of sedentary and the rest will be above and beyond and into other categories of movement. I sit at my desk for long periods during the day. Even though I get up and move, it still takes me a good 3000 steps or so just to not fit into the category of sedentary I've given to MFP. If I didn't get out of sedentary, even with a 15 minute walk, I get no extra calories to eat. I found this to be incredibly accurate for me, and I lost weight exactly as expected given my inputs, and I now have 905 days of logging as datapoints.

    Beyond the science of it all, keep moving. Just moving and feeling like you're proactive and in charge can have a strong emotional impact on your eating habits.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited January 2017
    stylzemail wrote: »
    You don't need 2 hours of exercise to lose body fat.- Give this a try- Breakfast bowl of oatmeal raw uncooked, just add some apple juice and raisins in it (a person don't have to cook oatmeal). That's everyday breakfast. - and it's cheap. For Lunch - eat microwave popcorn or a bag of sunflower seeds and apple juice. Dinner- eat only greens , and meat chicken or fish , no bread, no starch, - if you have to go to restaurants order small salad and meat drink teas . Eat this same pattern , for two weeks everyday, you will lose weight, its like for example if a person has a cat you feed it the same cat food - everyday. Breakfast is uncooked oats mixture. Lunch is popcorn -or..... sunflower seeds, dinner meat and veggies.

    No. Don't do this. It does nothing to help you learn how to eat at a proper calorie amount with foods you would normally eat.

    Except cat food is formulated to meet a cat's full nutritional needs and this diet . . . clearly isn't designed to meet a person's nutritional needs.

    Sunflower seeds and apple juice for lunch? Where are you even coming up with that?