Banning the scale!



  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited January 2017
    If the OP has made an informed choice for her circumstances, why can't we just say, great! Why do you have to change her mind, basically marginalizing her own feelings and decisions. As much as it may seem unbelievable to anyone, some people can't have a great relations nship with the scale. For many reasons.

    OP, if tossing the scale is good for your u, go for it. It is probably a smart decision for you and I support your decision.

    I agree. Some people just can't handle it. I used to be one of those people. But I worked through most of my scale stress. Sometimes I get frustrated but I have to remind myself to trust the process. If I am consistently doing the right things the scale will move. And it does. Just not always when I want it to. I also knew that I needed it for accountability.