
I have been eating right for the past four weeks and it's been surprisingly easy and I lost 8lbs!!! I think it's due to the meal replacement shakes I've been having. This past weekend has been exceptional rough. I've had to fight hunger and constantly try to distract myself. I'm craving delicious sweets. I could just use some motivation or support because the four week mark is when I also fall off.


  • mpontorno
    mpontorno Posts: 10 Member
    Just curious, you may be a guy if so ignore(!), where are you in your cycle? I crave carbs the day before I'm due and can't eat enough carbs, sugar, bread, chocolate, potatoes etc. Also, it's ok to give yourself a treat, maybe you can have a daily treat that will help you not have a huge craving after 4 weeks of deprivation? Just a couple of suggestions, I realize it's been almost two hours since you posted this but just remind yourself that having one off day shouldn't translate into completely giving up :-)