Need accountability friends!!

Week 2 going strong...unfortunately have a hard time sticking to this..feel free to add me; and hopefully we can motivate e/o to stay on track! :)


  • usheward
    usheward Posts: 1 Member
    Keep up the good work
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    Adding you!
  • getnthin2013
    getnthin2013 Posts: 5 Member
    It's day 7 for me and I'm finding it difficult to stay motivated. Controlling my eating is the hardest part!
  • leecua
    leecua Posts: 10 Member
    take it one day at a time....but it's all mental.. it's that saying, you have to want it as bad as you want to breathe. Yes, it is a lot harder than said..Trust me I know, I've fallen off the wagon many time in the past couple of years. But I've learned along the way that I can't do it because I want to look like the Victoria Secret models, I need to do it because I want to be a better me and the rewards will come... So all in all....keep pushing and if you need motivation, you have a great support system here!

    Feel free to add me