Hi my name is Zach im 19 years old and currently 205 lbs. I used to be pretty fit and was sitting around 185 lbs and working out daily. About a year ago i lost a few very important people in my life and i completely stopped working out. I lost all my muscle and shot up to 225 lbs. I am finally back on my fit. I have a loving and supporting Gf and have been able to get down to 205lbs in about 2 months. Recently i hit a wall. I cant loose more weight. My goal was to work out until i hit 185 again and then start working on muscle so i have only been running. I am extremely determined but i am unsure as to what to do next. I had some friend tell me to recomp my body but i don't know what that is. Any Advice?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    edited January 2017
    Read the advice you were given in your other post. You're under eating - multiple posts won't change that.
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    Eat a small/moderate calorie deficit, keep running and start weight lifting. Again start weight lifting, now, no reason to wait.

    Slow and steady wins the race. If you keep a small/moderate calorie deficit and lift now youll retain more muscle and be much happier with how you look. Plus keeping muscle is a lot easier then building new muscle.