Hit a wall (psychological not literal)



  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2017
    I encourage you to focus on the small lifestyle changes that will help you meet your goal and stay there, and celebrate the small successes that move you in that direction. Every day you log your foods is a success. Every day you don't gain weight is a success. Every day you eat below maintenance is a success. Every day you get some physical activity is a success. Over time, those successes add up. Celebrate each one of them and forgive yourself when you aren't able to do them. Don't worry if you plateau for a while, just keep at it. You aren't failing, you are just succeeding a little more slowly. It happens.

    I have lost 45 pounds over the last 10 months, with a 3 month plateau in the middle where I lost nothing. It was annoying, but I knew that as long as I kept at it and didn't fall backwards, things would eventually move in the right direction again. And they did. One day I had more energy and started working out harder and things started moving again. Now I am within 5 pounds of my goal weight and things are slowing again, but I know I will get there eventually.