No More Diets for ME!

I'm working really hard on getting rid of my 45 year "diet mentality."
I want my food choices to be less restrictive without the guilt. I don't want to obsess anymore about low calories, low carb, low fat, high fat, processed or not processed food. This is not to say that I don't want to have any accountability when it comes to how much I eat because at 350 pounds its just not an option for me. But after 45 years of "dieting" in the traditional sense of the word, has not been successful for me. I was not able to sustain the food plans long enough to achieve my weight loss goals. This time, nothing is off my food plan. I can't even begin to express how liberating it feels to not be sooo obsessed what food I eat. Some choices will be healthier than others and that's OK. I would like to see if my food choices naturally evolve to be more healthy over time. I can honestly say that for me, all the education in the world availed me at best short term weight loss success. As for quantity of food, I will always struggle with portion control so I need to continue to log my calories. I have wasted 45 years of my life on one diet or another... My highest weight was 411, today around 350. Restrict, binge, restrict, binge. No more!:heart: