Don't give up.

Keeping it real folks...

Sometimes you hear that you don't workout because you don't want it bad enough.

I'm here to say that it's JUST NOT always that SIMPLE.

It's possible to meat your goals, it's possible to make real change happen... but I want you to stop beating yourself up if you can't be that 5x a week beast in the gym AND still manage to function elsewhere.


I am separated with two kids. I work 40hours (often more) a week in IT, I commute an additional 10 hours on top of it. I have a big home, pets, and a large yard that I manage myself (no spouse to help). My two amazing girls are involved in sports and youth activities and play dates and sleepovers - so I'm running all over town with them and often all hours.

It's HARD. Sometimes it's DAMN HARD

I can be hard to get in that workout, to take time for yourself.
To let some chores go, so that you can care for your health.

Sometimes you just have to let go of the workout you planned on doing so that you actually have clean clothes to wear.
Sometimes you let yourself sleep in because you've been running on 4hours a night and you're exhausted.
Sometimes you let go of the laundry and go for a run.
Or maybe you pop in a frozen pizza to save some dishes and cleanup so you can do some weights later.

Sometimes (like me), you find yourself doing weights at 11pm after the kids are in bed.

Sometimes (like me), you sit your butt down on the couch and just REST.

And that is OK.

The key is this... keep trying.

You don't have to be a rock star. You just have to keep trying.

Don't give up.


  • colleenann1968
    colleenann1968 Posts: 1 Member
    Hats off to you. I was a single mom and I could relate. I'm approaching 50 and need to get 25 pounds off. Thankfully I have a very supportive bf. Keep up the great work and don't give up. You can do this.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,562 Member
    It's so easy to beat yourself up... I should be eating clean. I should workout more. I should, I should, I should.

    We place such high demands on ourselves sometimes, that it's no wonder we crash and burn.

    I'm a big fan of grace. Give yourself grace to adjust to a healthier lifestyle. You don't have to go from overweight and inactive to a crazy active, eating clean, workout monster.

    Slow steady changes for the win.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I agree with your first image. You do seem to want it badly enough, so you find a way. Others might find excuses. There is a difference between a hard life/challenge and an excuse. It's not necessary to go beast mode 5x week at the gym. That's pure folly.