What do you do on hungry days?



  • JacquiH73
    JacquiH73 Posts: 124 Member
    I drink lots of herbal tea. But I do have to evaluate if it's real hunger or just cravings. If I'm stressed or depressed it's usually just me craving comfort foods - so a warm cup of apple cinnamon spice or black cherry berry can give me some of that. But if I feel low on energy and drained I need to eat more, I look over my macros and see what it is I've been lacking and strive to eat those more - more proteins or more complex carbs depending on where my diet been leaning the past few days
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I do have these days!!! **Plan Ahead** I pack a bunch of healthy snacks for the day. Some days I have to use all of my snacks and other days I'm carrying them back home. :smiley: I drink tons of water so if I feel hungry I eat.
  • Rowan09
    Rowan09 Posts: 35 Member
    I'll drink a cup of chicken broth, or this Borsht cocentrate I found. If I'm STILL hungry after that I will eat something more substantial.
  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member
    Peanut butter...I drown the craving in peanut butter! Usually two spoonfulls will be enough to stave off the hunger.

    If that isn't your cup of tea, look for something with high fat content like Cottage Cheese, Yogurt or Nuts. Personally, when I've tried to satiate with lean proteins or anything with carbs, it doesn't help at all.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    My hungry days are usually Fridays and Sundays. I used to indulge on Fridays cause that is my cheat day abd I called it Fukkit Friday but now I leave my wallet at home so I am forced to eat only what I pack for the day.

    As far as Sundays go, I'm still trying to deal with it.
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    I'd just eat to be honest. I have days where i can't eat as much other when I eat alot more because I''m more tired. But if you were counting- you could make soup with a slice of bread, or something that wouldn't necessarily make you feel guilty like an apple, cherry tomatoes, or a fresh salad.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    bgh707 wrote: »
    Maybe you did a killer strength training workout. Maybe you've been sitting at a desk for too long and are getting antsy. Maybe it's the stress. What do you do to stay under your calories on days when you just can't seem to get full?

    All of the above. First and foremost I continue to work to be more present in my work and keeping busy. This keeps me from building up the idea and mental response of being hungry when I am bored, stress, or what now. That has been key to improving my health. So after a long while working on this I don't get hungry as often and I am more content with the smaller, more appropriate meals.

    Of course, there are times I get cravings so I do a Greek yogurt, a small protein or granola bar, or something 200 calories or less to tide me over. If that means only hitting maintenance calories a day or two a week, then that is what I need to feel sane and keep on track. I dont't sweat the daily battle as much as I look at how I do over a month.

  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Depending on the circumstances, I might do any of the following:
    - have a 5hr energy (caffeine)
    - get busy... find something to distract me from the hunger
    - workout
    - eat aaaalllll the foodz (hey, it happens), then try to put it behind me and get back on plan the next day.
  • melaniefay82
    melaniefay82 Posts: 34 Member
    Pray about it.

    Haha. Just kidding. Um.... if I'm just in the mood to mindlessly munch of something, fresh vegetables are definitely the way to go. If it is true hunger, then I eat. It's all about listening to your body. Try not to get to caught up in the numbers game.
  • heatherbilyea
    heatherbilyea Posts: 5 Member
    I find myself, I might think I am hungry, but I am actually thirsty.... water helps.Drink a glass, really quickly. I personally really do not drink enough water. Coffee, yes...but not water. Also am finding that Chamomile tea in the evenings takes the edge off TV snacking.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I seem to be always hungry all the time no matter how much I eat. On days where I stay under calories, it is because I ate a bunch of dill pickles. I buy them in large jars, probably about a gallon or maybe 2 gallon jars. During my last "good" streak, I was eating about 1 jar per day.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    water, and if I still want food after 15 minutes, then popcorn, or a grapefruit ...
  • aahansen1
    aahansen1 Posts: 3 Member
    If I feel the need to snack, but am afraid of going over calories, I tend to eat vegetables such as broccoli, celery, or cauliflower. These are low in calories, are great for you, and fill you up fast. (Add a little bit of peanut butter to any of these and they're even better) Also, drinking water does help you to feel full.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    tuna, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, peanut butter . Of course what I want is big mac, fries, whopper, pizza but I don't want to squeeze in my pants so this is it.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    For me I have two kinds of hungry:

    1. Hungry like I could eat hungry.

    2. Hungry like GTF out of my way I need to EAT hungry.

    If it's #1, I try to distract myself or have a cup of coffee or tea or sparkly water to work through the hunger.

    If it's #2, I MUST eat something, so I reallocate my calories or decide to go over. If I have multiple days like this in a short amount of time (this happened to me recently), I consider changing my calorie goals overall because it seems to be a sign that my body needs more.