It begins.

When I was 16 I weighted over 300lbs. Within a year I was down to 165... long story short, I had an accident that put me in the hospital for a week and I was dependant upon everyone for everything. I distinctly remember looking into the mirror my mom had in her hand so she could shave my face. I saw who I didn't want to be anymore. I decided in that moment to change. I knew very little about fitness and nutrition but I determined to educate myself and become someone new.

My first steps were very clumsy, I ate bread with only ranch dressing as I thought ranch must be healthy since it went on salads... I ate only carrots since they were vegetables and it seemed to make sense. I starved my way until I crashed and was confronted by my wrestling coach. I had the drive but needed to find better sources for nutritional guidance. Later in life I had my diet in check while training day and night in mixed martial arts, taking questionable supplements but getting the body of my dreams. I still wasn't happy though. I think happiness comes only when you earn it the right away.

Well, fast forward to today - I'm 38, married w/kids and lots of responsibilities. My goal now? Take all I learned, mistakes and all, and be the most naturally fit I've ever been. I started an Athleanx program (1 week through), track everything that goes into my mouth (water, food, supplements) but this time with better life balance included.

I'm here for your support/knowledge/motivation and maybe I can help you too.




  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    It sounds like you know what you want, and MFP definitely has the tools to help you on your journey, not to mention the community :). Best of luck!