Working, single mom, and the mommy belly

Okay, where do I even start? This my first post on here.

Lets get to business:

I want to lose this mommy belly. I love my daughter, but I hate the belly!
I want to lose weight and increase my energy levels. Every since I had my daughter or should I say when I became pregnant with her, my energy levels have never been the same. She's two, so you can imagine how active she is.
I want to feel better about myself and not feel icky when I look in the mirror.
My family has their series of illnesses, my mom's side, its an encyclopedia!
I want to lose at least 50 pounds, I'm currently at 250 my pre baby weight as 235.

I need motivation, I will start something for at least two weeks, and I will just flat out stop. I just don't have that support of anyone wanting to do this with me. If I find someone, they never do it with me.

So here's to loving yourself and being healthy!


  • jme121314
    jme121314 Posts: 4 Member
    And I am looking for buddies on here, so add me!
  • Bassador0302
    Bassador0302 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too!

    When I had my first child, my mommy belly skin didn't go away completely and I got striated hernias (think deep vertical stripes in lower abs), even after I lost the 50lbs I put on, back to a size 8. After my second child, I stretched so much I got an umbilical hernia (now repaired). My muscles and skin are just not elastic enough. My top weight was 235 (I'm 5'3" short) and although I've lost 100 pounds, the loose skin from having babies is still there, along with my "Saggy Baggy Elephant" skin all over. My younger son is 21 years old now, so I'm not chasing a toddler. The good news is with working out, the baby belly fat has shrunk, but the skin remains. It's still really hard to see myself in the mirror naked. The plus side is it's now easier to find clothes to fit, whereas before I had to buy pants that fit in the waist, but they were too big everywhere else. I feel better when I see myself in the mirror wearing skinny jeans. I try to keep those wins in mind for motivation.

    My autoimmune diseases are stripping away my energy. Now I need more accountability and support. Please add me too! Let's do this!

    (Sorry this is so long)