Why do you do it?



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    This question was asked in Chit Chat this past week, but was more of a "fun answers" type thread.

    For me, there are several reasons. Probably the most important factor is my health. I let my weight get out of control for almost a decade and I am sure that a year ago I was nearing or at a pre-diabetic stage. I work outside in high heat conditions and it was becoming intolerable, even climbing a ladder was a chore.

    Another reason was my mental state. I was hating myself for what i had become and self-loathing permiated much of my self-esteem. I felt disgusting, increasingly helpless, and completely unattractive. Taking control of my health and fitness has helped me make great improvements on that front, teaching me to love who I am and look forward to who I am becoming.

    And, of course, there is the vanity factor. I am a passable looking guy and I want to have a great body to increase my attractiveness to others. I want the confidence that shines from people with excellent physiques and to be able to attract someone with my looks, then completely blow them away with my personality. I want to be the full package.


    Lastly, I want to see what I am capable of, mentally and physically. How far can I push myself, how strong can I be, how far can I run, how much pain can I handle? I want to find my limits and then tear them down and exceed my limitations in all things.

    A few things about your comments made me get to thinking as well.

    I am the queen of negative self talk. Someone once shared this quote that if we spoke to our friends the way we speak to ourselves, we would not have friends at all.

    It's so true and so sad...I'm working on that and doing strength training has helped myself esteem-it's also been helpful to find a workout regimen that I enjoy and look forward to.

    Second, I was running low on energy. Like you'd mentioned, even though I hadn't gained a lot of weight, I was out of shape...climbing stairs, etc...I'd just feel tired and gross all the time. No energy.

    It's the opposite now. I'm waking up earlier and feeling more alive. :)
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    To golf well into my 70s and not have most clubs being pot passers (meaning there is no noticeable distance difference from club to club).
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    Healthier, Happier, More confident, and More Energy!

    I believe that if you can keep a commitment to yourself to be healthier, faster, and stronger... that will impact your family life, your work, your friends, and your future.

    This board is filled with people who have every available excuse known to man. You don't have to look far where someone blames the fact that they are out of shape on stressful work, family, the weather, and even Dennis Rodman. Yes, there are legitimate reasons for falling in a slump: death of a family member or a similar personal tragedy, certain chronic illnesses and rare diseases etc. But, for most of us, it is about looking in a mirror and doing something about it.

    Taking charge of my health and fitness has also made me become more accountable to myself. It is about my own personal responsibility. True motivation comes from within!
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Health - I want to continue to be healthy as I get older;
    Vanity: I like the way I look and want to improve on that;
    Mentally - I never thought I would every be able to do a pull up and set myself a goal to do 5...last week during my workout I did six - I felt like a f@cking Amazon and I love that feeling.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Mainly longer term thinking - I want to be healthy and independent for a long time - so better health is step one!

    Also, being able to take on athletic/sporting challenges - I always wanted to, but never really got started. Its a bit late to become an Olympic champion now (or is it?? :-) ) but I'm definitely enjoying running and cycling faster and further than ever.

    I'm also enjoying being a good influence on the kids (for once!); definitely better meals at home, and now my son goes to the gym (unthinkable a few months back)

    Finally, I guess there is a streak of irrational vanity in there somewhere - not sure why, as its a bit late for that!! But I must confess to a bit of a vain swagger last time I went to a water park - I was in better shape than - huge turnaround from just a year ago
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    When I first joined MFP, back in September 2012, I wrote the following in my profile....

    ...."I have a family history of arthritis, joint and bone maladies, lower back issues, etc, that I'm trying to avoid or minimize by being more fit. "

    In June 2013, I added the following....

    ...." I am now training to participate in powerlifting competitions."

    I stand by the first as the reason why I believe a good fitness lifestyle is important. But now I think there's no reason why I shouldn't make it more fun and challenging with the second. :)
  • Oh, and to get this blasted ring off my middle finger. I've always vowed I would slip it off rather than break off my finger to remove it. I put it on as a sophomore in high school and while it holds sentimental value it would mean much more to be back to that weight. Which is totally doable.

    Oh, the high school days when we thought we were "fat." Silly, silly girls.
  • BSdevon
    BSdevon Posts: 77
    I've noticed a correlation in my life between the times I was fit and strong and the times I was happy.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    This body is the only one I have, and like everything in my life, I want to make it the best I can.

    Stronger, healthier, prettier. All part of the deal.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    So, I can do more and live longer. I am seriously, morbidly obese but working toward the necessary change to save my life. I'm approaching 40 and I'm watching people die around me from conditions that can be improved or eliminated through a healthy lifestyle.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I like the feeling of being desired.

    A lot.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I began my weight loss program to save my knee replacement (its not good carrying 280lbs on a titanium joint).
    As I progressed, I liked the new clothes and the compliments, but those have slower now because people are used to the way I look and any future changes will not be so drastic.
    I think, for me, its because I feel good. I love the buzz I get after exercise and the way I feel when I hold the plank for another five seconds on last time.
    Its all about personal pride - feeling that the effort is worth it, and I am worth it.
    Is that vanity? Probably, but i love it!
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264

    Seriously- on my brothers for calling me fat or making some nasty remark every time I took a bite of food
    - on my mother for telling me the only reason I was eating was so I'd get breast and make the boys look at me
    - on the guy who told me I would be pretty if I had better legs
    - on the stupid life insurance person who raised our rates because of my weight
    - on the one I loved that left...

    I'm healthier than ever...I look better than ever...I am stronger than ever and I just keep getting better!!!!