10 days into learning a life style change,and also new here.

My name is Jennifer, I am a compulsive eater.And a closet carb fiend.I am a wife and a mother of 5 (5 to 24 years old)..oh and I have a severe(read insane) coffee addiction.No,really insane.Really.Not .Kidding.:drinker:

I have never been thin,that is not my goal now(although I wouldn't turn it down)I want to be healthy.I am 43,5'7" 190 lbs,have bounced between 195-200 for the last 3 years since I left my retail job.While I was working I was around 160-170 since the birth of my last child.

It took my 12 year old son being diagnosed with T1D on May 24,2013 and the resulting dietary changes our family went through as we adjusted to make me realize how unhealthy I had become.

After a lot of reading for the last 2 months,I have decided to try a lowish carb diet,I am still trying to figure out where I should be on all my numbers/ratios,so although I am trying to keep my diary filled,I am not happy with the numbers at the end of the day.Too high/too low,I want to find the spot where I can maintain from the get go and not starve or deprive and then gain it all back. I want a lifestyle change not something I will run from 30 days from now.So weeding out certain things has been far easier then I thought,finding out about BMI/BMR/TDDE and the WWF:bigsmile: has been a lot harder than I thought.

It has been much easier to adjust to no sweets and much fewer carbs.No fatigue,night sweats or even dreams about cookies,not so much of a sweet tooth as I feared,although I could certainly eat a Jimmy Johns sub right now.

I guess I am here for support and success stories and general good feeling with people who have gone or are going through life altering changes. I have discovered I am apple shaped.I think. Hard to tell,so much conflicting information on the web.I think I am more of a triangle,small on top,big and then finally my hips(sigh) biggest of all.And this is pretty much how I have been at any weight/shape except for pregnancy.

So,I would like to say thank you to everyone who has shared their struggles and their successes.I am finding strength every day reading about all the different stories that are happening here.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you better.Add me as a friend if you like,
Best of luck to everyone.
