Anyone else doing an x-#-of-days challenge? How's it going?

I'm 2/3 of the way (so 66 days) into my 100 day challenge. The challenge is simple: net as close to goal calories as possible for 100 days. That's it! I make a note of any substantial exercise, but it hasn't been a priority. Getting there, though, as it warms up, I've started hiking again. I love hiking!

I've managed to lose 21 lbs so far, 12 of which were most certainly water weight during weeks 1 and 2. Leveled off to anywhere from 1-4 lbs/week loss, erring on the side of 1.

My weekly losses so far:
  • Wk1: - 6.6
  • Wk2: - 4.6
  • Wk3: - 1.4
  • Wk4: + 2.6 (Christmas)
  • Wk5: - 5.0
  • Wk6: - 4.0
  • Wk7: - 1.0
  • Wk8: - 1.0
  • TOTAL: - 21 LBS.

I'm tracking each day with a 3x5 index card taped to the wall. Each card has the date, day of the week, amount of calories I ate, and a note about any exercise. That's it! Just helps me visualize. Out of sight, out of mind, for me. Now that this chart is taking up my entire living room wall, it seems to be helping!

I track my weekly average of all seven days. I weigh in every Sunday morning. (Keeps me mindful through the weekend.) I'm on track to reach about 6 or 7 more lbs by the time these 100 days are up, which would put me comfortably in the low 180s.

On the morning of March 7th, I'll take a photo of my index card wall, take them all down, and start fresh with a brand new challenge!

I know what ultimate goal is for me, and since it's upwards of a year away, breaking it down like this is helping me stay on track and not get disheartened by time passing. :)

Thanks for letting me chat. Thoughts? Questions? Suggestions?

Doing a challenge of your own? Just you or friends/family involved? How is it going so far? Let's talk about finite challenges. :)
