Main Type or Favorite Type of Excersice?

I like to walk out in the open so I can feel the air. I don't like walking on a treadmill, I always feel like I'm going to faceplant and end up as a Facebook meme or something. I also have trepidations about going to a gym for fear of being laughed at or made fun of. I don't know if Yoga would help or be something that I could get into, or if there is even any sort of Yoga that a fluffy girl would be able to do. I do not mind getting on a stationary bike, except that when I'm done, my legs are usually noodles and I end up having quality time with the floor. The elliptical machine needs to die in a horrible fire, and take the stair stepper with it. I do not run except in cases of emergency situations at work. Once I get some fat off I'd really like to do some weight training. What do you like to do?


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Why don't you like the elliptical? For me it's a brilliant invention- you get the motion of running without the weight bearing effects on your knees.
    I love running and walking outdoors. I alternate running with walking (e.g. Run one min, walk one min then repeat) to enable me to keep going for longer.

    Why not start weight training now if it interests you? It will help you to build muscle which aids fat burning a little.
    Don't be afraid of the gym- it's there to help everyone, no matter what shape or size. Hold you head high and go for it!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I have equipment at home. Treadmill for when it's too cold outside. Weightlifting and kickboxing. I also enjoy swimming (but I don't have a pool at home).
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Main Type or Favourite Type of Exercise?


    And a whole bunch of other things like swimming, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, weight lifting, etc. etc. etc.
  • Tania_181
    Tania_181 Posts: 100 Member
    I also have trepidations about going to a gym for fear of being laughed at or made fun of. I don't know if Yoga would help or be something that I could get into, or if there is even any sort of Yoga that a fluffy girl would be able to do.

    I wouldn't worry, most people at the gym are too busy focusing on themselves. Or you could do what I do and go to the gym next to the OAP home ;)

    Check out Jessamyn Stanley, she's a pretty inspirational yoga instructor.

    I would suggest some weight lifting to start and some gentle swimming as it's nice and low impact.
  • Kawluu
    Kawluu Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'8 and 260 pounds, and I learned that yoga is perfect as long as you have the right tools! Because my body isn't proportioned right to fit certain positions, my teacher gets me to use yoga blocks (which are literally just foam or wood blocks) to prop myself up or sit on so that I can fit the positions. I totally recommend doing yoga, just start slow, and make modifications when necessary :)
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Cycling, walking outdoors, gym cardio (stepper, bike, treadmill), kettlebell classes, strength training.

    Agree with above poster re the gym - nobody cares who else is there, or what they are doing. They are too engrossed in themselves. I know how you feel though as I felt like that the first time I stepped foot in a gym after 20 years. But once I realised that nobody is looking at you, it was easier. No-one is going to make fun of you. Most of the people I've come across in the gym are pretty supportive on the whole.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Swimming by far. Love it. Even swimming laps doesn't bore me.

    I do like walking out and about - going to Worcester next week and looking forward to river walks etc and woodland walks with a mates dog :)
  • jnananamaste
    jnananamaste Posts: 72 Member
    If you are more comfortable working out at home at first, there a ton of free workout videos on YouTube. You could sample different things to see what feels best to you, without worrying about who is around and what they're thinking (I like the gym, but those thoughts are still there for me too - although truthfully a lot of people who use gyms are positive, supportive folks who know it takes work to get/stay fit). Check out fitness blender or the American heart association walking videos. Good luck!
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    I have to agree on swimming. It is low-impact and I have never seen a swimmer laugh at someone who is getting started: we all know just how much time it takes to learn to swim really well. Along the way you will get a lot of great workouts without developing the injuries common to some other fitness activities. If you can find some friends to swim with, it will make it all that much more enjoyable.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Walking is pretty overrated as an exercise, especially when done at a casual pace. ( It's worth incorporating into one's daily activity, but because it's relatively ineffective, I choose to treat it as baseline activity instead of "exercise." Unless I'm doing something like walking briskly up a ski slope with a have Wreck Bag, for example.

    My main exercises include heavy duty cardio (running, boot camp, interval training, etc) and general strength training (body weight and good old-fashioned iron, mostly). I also do skills-based training such as various ninja-style obstacles. I'm not necessarily good at those, but setting a challenge forces me to work harder.