Starting 10k novice training... care to run with me?



  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I"m visiting with my sister, and have picked up her exercise routine of .75 mile fast walk in the morning, and a 2 mile walk at night. I haven't had a chance to run in addition to that, but I don't feel like a slacker either.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    So I managed to find a way to get my runs in even though we are sitting for grandkids this summer. I realized my gym membership gets me into any of them and there is one near my job and on the same hwy I take home, so I'm now doing my best to get all my work done at the office so I can leave at our scheduled time of 4:30 and head to the gym. Many days I lally gag around the office and get out much later than 4:30. But now that I have a reason to get out of here sooner...I am! So I did it yesterday and it worked out great. If I leave the office on time it wont take too much out of my day. yesterday I left the gym at 5:30 and headed home. not bad!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    wow.... great job on finding a way to fit in your work outs with the grand kids in the picture this summer :) I manage a gym and sometimes its really really hard to make time to work out even though im right there.

    I have started taking spinning classes as a cross training cardio method. I have found with my weight loss goals, my body needs cardio a minimum of 5 days a week so the days I run are only cardio and the days that I spin i also do strength training

    I ended up taking my dog for a 8km hike on sunday and a walk on tuesday, so havent even had a chance to run since last friday morning!

    Im going out for a quick run tomorrow morning before spinning and then a regular run on friday and sunday mornings and another hopefully awesome hike on Saturday!

    Hope everyone else is doing well :)
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I hear ya maddiebabe - finding time can be difficult but thank goodness we are trying!

    I see this is 4 mile run week...eeks!
    I will get out tomorrow morning for my 4 mile run...anyone care to join me?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I'm in for a long run tomorrow. I was out of town and got off schedule, but instead I walked almost 3 miles EVERY DAY - so I think I did just as well as if I'd followed the plan for last week. I'll shoot for the 4 mile run, but settle for 3.5 it I need to.

    Yesterday I stopped at a state park and did a 5 mile hike on a trail through the woods. Other than ending up with a tick (Yuck), it was a great time! That gives me confidence to know I can easily cover the 6.2 miles even if it's walking, so the more I can run, the better.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I mapped out my run - it's actually a tad over at 4.14. I'm going to go tonight instead of tomorrow. I'll run what I can, and walk the rest.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    That's great Jan that you keep so active - great job!

    Yeah..I did the 4 mile around 11 today and it was SO hot..but I did pretty good - I ran the 2 miles straight...well, it was more of a jog - and then the last 2 miles I did an 8min run and 1 min walk until I got back. I had Gatorade with me and drank it up throughout my route. It was hot out there but I did it! Oh..and believe me I constantly wanted to stop and walk but I somehow managed to keep on going. I just felt like it was something I HAD to do if I want to do well on my 10K run in Sept. And I told myself I'm in training and it has to be done. Oh but it was hard.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Options are both such an inspiration to me! I didnt get out running once last week. i did get in 2 8km hikes and 2 spinning classes but its back to the running tomorrow for me!

    i may be walking part of it b/c its so darn humid!!! Hope all is wel! Its also back to the personal training for me again this week, so hopefully the pounds keep coming off for a bit!

    good luck everyone :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Jessica - Good for you! I'm glad you hydrated being out there in the heat of the day!

    Maddiebabe - good for you on the spin classes! I've only done one of those. That's the class EVERYONE wants to get into at the gym. I've only been to one. Usually there is a wait list before I get there.

    So drumroll please.... I did the whole 4.14 in 1:03:47! Woot wooot! I walked the first 5 and the last almost 4 minutes (it's downhill coming back) I took a nice comfortable pace and jogged the ENTIRE rest of the way. I'm so proud of myself! I haven't been this excited about a run since completing my first 30 minutes run in C25K!

    Shower time!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    OH MAN JAN..YOU DID GOOOOOD!!!! awesome! wow!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Jessica - Good for you! I'm glad you hydrated being out there in the heat of the day!

    Maddiebabe - good for you on the spin classes! I've only done one of those. That's the class EVERYONE wants to get into at the gym. I've only been to one. Usually there is a wait list before I get there.

    So drumroll please.... I did the whole 4.14 in 1:03:47! Woot wooot! I walked the first 5 and the last almost 4 minutes (it's downhill coming back) I took a nice comfortable pace and jogged the ENTIRE rest of the way. I'm so proud of myself! I haven't been this excited about a run since completing my first 30 minutes run in C25K!

    Shower time!

    I'm still excited about your time and distance without breaks in between. What an inspiration!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    5 mile run this was slow but it was done! Time: 1:09 and included one walk break for water of LESS than a minute. So I feel good and proud!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Jessica - That is wonderful! 5 miles in just a little over an hour! You rock!

    I'm getting in 4 miles today. I'm not sure if I can get them in consecutively or not, but I'm going to get the distance one way or the other! I ran one this morning. Maybe I can sneak in a full 4 mile run later!

    This week I've been mostly walking, so it's not "counting" toward my total miles run for the year. Yesterday's walk was 4 miles.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I did get my 4 mile run in Sunday evening - so a total of 5 miles for the day. Still very slow - but, but golly, I got in the distance :-)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hello all! I just found this thread and 1) am so incredibly impressed - way to go!!! 2) am inspired and encouraged and 3) am thinking about jumping in as a late joiner (if that's okay!)

    It seems like I REALLY REALLY REALLY need a boost in the exercise department lately. It's starting not to feel fun, or rewarding, or energizing at all. It's starting to feel just like work. Maybe a new goal, with supportive peeps to check in with and cheer for, would be just the thing. (I'm hoping.)

    Earlier this week I went out for a jog. Went away from my normal route - and ended up doing a total of 6.2 miles. I'm estimating that a mile of it was walking. Total time was about an hour and a half. So.... maybe that's my baseline?

    I'll check out the plans you're following. Again, awesome job everyone!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member

    OF COURSE ITS OK IF YOU JOIN US LATE!!! Im a little slow this week too so come on in and join...Long time no see!!! We will all help to motivate you!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome - SO MUCH APPRECIATED!

    Jprice - 5 miles?!?!? At a pace of just over an hour? That's AWESOME! Looking forward to hearing how you're doing.

    I attempted a run yesterday, outdoors. To say it was a struggle would be an understatement. I ran 10 mins, walked a few, ran 10 more, walked a few more, ran maybe 3 more, and then quit running altogether because my legs felt like LEAD. Total time walking/running was 55 mins, so it was decent exercise at least. :)

    Maddie, how's it going?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So I just checked out your first link Jan.... what does it mean by "30 min cross" on Wed and the "40 min cross" on Sat? Just not sure what "cross" is referring to. Maybe I'll check out the jeff galloway plan too...
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member

    Earlier this week I went out for a jog. Went away from my normal route - and ended up doing a total of 6.2 miles. I'm estimating that a mile of it was walking. Total time was about an hour and a half. So.... maybe that's my baseline?

    I'll check out the plans you're following. Again, awesome job everyone!

    Show off ;^)

    Welcome, Smiles!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member

    Jprice - 5 miles?!?!? At a pace of just over an hour? That's AWESOME! Looking forward to hearing how you're doing.

    I'm not that fast... I did one mile in the morning, then 4 miles at night. The 4 miles was just about 1 hour, including warm-up & cool-down walks.