Insecurities still.

I've lost 30 pounds since my highest weight over a year ago. And sure sometimes I feel really proud of myself for having committed for so long. But the few months I've had at a lower weight, doesnt erase the years of insecurity, doubt, and low self esteem I had at a heavier weight. Its weird cause I had this idea that if I lost weight, everything else would fall into place, and maybe I'd even be confident in myself. I'm still not, even though it's easier to look at my self in the mirror now.

Well this moment at work reminded me of how insecure I still am. I work as a cashier and I fumbled on the keys and typed in the wrong price for a customer. The customer told me the correct price and said, "it's okay, I have fat fingers too". I spent the a good long time thinking about what he said, and even though it's an expression and maybe I do have fat fingers, it killed me thsy that little phrase made me feel bad about myself.

Okay, rant over. Its just, I don't know what my next step is. I've lost weight and still have some goals to reach, but when I think about myself I still feel bad. Anyone else think like this? Add me if youd like too.


  • marrrisa
    marrrisa Posts: 44 Member
    I think it just takes time! I'm sorry to hear you're struggling right now.

    Maybe try developing some mantras for yourself, positive notes, etc. There are many ways you can work on self confidence on your own (try googling some and see what appeals to you!) And of course there are counselors you can speak to. I've done that before, and it did help me realize some self-worth.

    Physical appearance can only do so much. Kind of like people who think they'll be beautiful/feel better if they could just get a nose job, boob job, etc. But after they have the procedure, they realize that wasn't the root of the problem.

    It happens to everyone. Even the most beautiful person has something they would change. You'll definitely have to take some time to work on yourself and loving yourself - its an amazing gift once you do! I'm still working on it myself.

    But look at you! You're beautiful, you've lost 30 pounds!! That is so amazing, and takes so much hard work. You should be so proud of yourself for that. I remember my first time back to the gym after a long hiatus, I kept dreading it, but I finally went and worked out. On the way home, I literally (no joke) patted myself on the back and said 'you go girl' which ended up making me laugh at myself and put me in a good mood. Sometimes it's just telling yourself that you're doing a fantastic job - which you are. Then, take step 2 and keep moving forward.

    You'll get there! And all of us can be here to remind you how great you're doing when you need the little extra help!
  • Awillz_Conqueror
    Awillz_Conqueror Posts: 145 Member
    Yeah, overcoming the mental side of the journey. It often goes unsung. I will say, that the more you attack situations confidently, the easier it becomes.