Suggestions for not binge eating on the weekends?



  • Dee_D33
    Dee_D33 Posts: 106 Member
    edited February 2017
    I actually try and stay under my calorie goal for the week and anything left over I add onto Saturday as a "treat." Usually it's only a couple hundred, but I don't feel the need to treat myself typically because I eat what makes me happy throughout the week, while making sure it's within my calorie goal. If you find yourself binging on the weekends, then take a step back and look at what you're eating throughout the week. If you're drastically cutting and undereating then your body will only be able to take so much because it screams, "FEED ME!" resulting in a binge.

    However, if you're binging because you have nothing else to do, then start planning things on the weekend. Replace going out to eat with an activity that doesn't involve food. You can also exercise more on the weekend than during the week. Personally, on the weekend I rest, but if it would make you feel better about eating a not so healthy meal or two then go for it! To avoid eating junk at home, remove it. For some people this is the only option if they lack the self control to not eat it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    How restrictive are you during the week, both in terms of calories and the types of food you eat? How are you defining healthy? One reason I ask is that people tend to have a very myopic view of "healthy"...for whatever reason, people tend to think "healthy" has to be bland and boring..nothing but broccoli and plain chicken or salads or whatever...very boring. Also, if you're overly restrictive with calories, this can cause binge/restrict cycles...more modest deficits are easier to manage and while technically they result in slower weight loss, they often actually result in ultimately losing the weight faster because people are more consistent.

    I eat very well for the most part and enjoy eating "healthy" wife and I both love to cook and the weekends are when we get to play around with new recipes and whatnot that we don't have time for during the week when we're just sticking to our tried and true..I'm making this tomorrow night...

    My wife and I also stay pretty active on weekends...this is when I have time for longer rides and she has time for her long runs and we both have a bit more time to enjoy the weight room...we purposely do NOT take rest days on the weekend...that's when we actually have time to get to it. We're also busy doing whatever with our 4 & 6 year olds...going to the park...playing catch in the back yard...going to the zoo, etc.

    Idle hands are the devil's workshop as they say...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited February 2017
    Zig-zag your calories or "bank" them like @TresaAswegan said. I eat slightly less during the week so I can eat at maintenance during the weekend. This is still calorie management....not a free-for-all.

    Being too restrictive backfires for me. I don't eliminate sweets or pizza or fast food. Because I won't be eliminating those things when I get to goal. The point is I need to learn how to manage those foods eventually. So I fit a treat in every day.