Weight loss & Juicing

Hey everybody! So I have been away for a while, meaning from my fitness pal, however, I've kept on with my goals and have been successful thus far. The thing is, after losing a solid 54 pounds I feel as if Ive reached a plateau. Because of this I decided to be more cautious by calculating both my meals and workouts but that does not seem to be enough, and because of this I've considered doing a juicing cleanse. What are your opinions on juicing? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Any tips on getting past this plateau would also be really appreciated!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    A juicing will not help your plateau. Not will it "cleanse" you. If you are already eating a nutrient dense diet, how is juicing going to improve that?

    It's not sustainable, and I don't find it particularly satiating or satisfying to drink instead of eat.

    Have you recalculated your calorie goal since losing weight? You may also want to slow your rate of loss if you're closer to your goal.... And be accurate with your logging as your deficit may be smaller.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You probably need to tighten up your logging. Make sure it is as accurate as possible
  • HerminiaJimenez
    HerminiaJimenez Posts: 15 Member
    I had lost about 35 lbs prior to starting using my fitness pal, but while using this app Ive lost nearly an additional 20 lbs or so since then so yes, my calorie goal has changed up @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink
  • HerminiaJimenez
    HerminiaJimenez Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2017
    Exactly my thoughts. I've been told by some that the juice cleanse is only for a few days for the same reason and they swear by it, but even then I dont know much about it so I'm iffy on giving it a go, especially since I'm used to eating 5 meals a day! Lol @lynn_glenmont
  • HerminiaJimenez
    HerminiaJimenez Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2017
    Thanks for the feedback I agree, despite my family's belief that I'm going over board on my fitness journey I've actually just recently started to weigh out my food as well.. just to know exactly the portions and macros etc. @Therealobi1
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Thanks for the feedback I agree, despite my family's belief that I'm going over board on my fitness journey I've actually just recently started to weigh out my food as well.. just to know exactly the portions and macros etc. @Therealobi1

    If you've only just started weighing, that may have been part of your problem. Overestimating is easy to do, and can add hundreds of calories depending on the food.
  • HerminiaJimenez
    HerminiaJimenez Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I have, wish I would have done this since the beginning but I can only focus on the present. I really hope weighing out makes a difference, it's hard feeling stuck when you feel like you are putting in so much effort you know what I mean? But thanks for the feed back, it really helps to get others' opinions and knowledge! :)@livingleanlivingclean
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You are doing fine! While you were heavier, you lost at a good rate just by "watching" portions. Now that you are lighter, you need to be more accurate to create a calorie deficit. Weighing is a great tool for portion control. Just make sure that the entries you pick from the database are correct too.
  • Bites_2017
    Bites_2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Check out Reboot by Joe Cross. He's done two documentaries on juicing for weight loss, I think the first one is called Fat, sick and Nearly Dead. He deffinalty explores the benefits of juicing long term and short term, it might give you a bit more information
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Juicing is like the Original Woo of weight loss gimmicks. There is something in the human psyche that makes us particularly susceptible to believing in the "magical elixir" power of obliterated fruits and vegetables. It all seems so "clean" and "natural", distilling the best nutritional properties of each food into a concentrated essence that will enrich every cell. And no messing with menus, complicated meals or portion control--you just have to concentrate on that...one...glass. Juicing is a combination of auto-suggestion and a VLCD, emotionally satisfying at first, but not the best long-term plan.
  • HerminiaJimenez
    HerminiaJimenez Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback, I really take in consideration all the comments. Overall I agree with you all and will continue to work hard to overcome all these obstacles, as far as juicing I will do more research on it just for the knowledge but safe to say, I'll stick to weighing my food and being accurate rather than juicing! Keeping my fingers crossed the sacrifices will be worth the efforts! :blush:
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback, I really take in consideration all the comments. Overall I agree with you all and will continue to work hard to overcome all these obstacles, as far as juicing I will do more research on it just for the knowledge but safe to say, I'll stick to weighing my food and being accurate rather than juicing! Keeping my fingers crossed the sacrifices will be worth the efforts! :blush:

    Good call. Juices taste great but as others have stated, they don't "cleanse" you. Regarding juicing in general, I prefer blending because it retains the fiber from the fruits and veg, which makes it more satiating. :)
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Thanks for the feedback I agree, despite my family's belief that I'm going over board on my fitness journey I've actually just recently started to weigh out my food as well.. just to know exactly the portions and macros etc. @Therealobi1

    give it a few weeks and see how you get on
    you have done so well, your family will get used to the new you
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback, I really take in consideration all the comments. Overall I agree with you all and will continue to work hard to overcome all these obstacles, as far as juicing I will do more research on it just for the knowledge but safe to say, I'll stick to weighing my food and being accurate rather than juicing! Keeping my fingers crossed the sacrifices will be worth the efforts! :blush:

    Good call. Juices taste great but as others have stated, they don't "cleanse" you. Regarding juicing in general, I prefer blending because it retains the fiber from the fruits and veg, which makes it more satiating. :)

    Yep, I was going to recommend blending too. Nothing wrong with having a smoothie full of veggies and fruit, just count the calories as fruit can quickly add up. I just wouldnt make it the bulk of my diet, but rather a healthy addition to it.