Week one down!

Wow, I literally can only do this with calorie counting and a scale that works! My weight ballooned up to the highest its been since I graduated high school! I lost 8 lbs in this first week and need to keep it up. My sister's wedding is my motivation this summer. I'll be returning to the UK for the first time in 3 years and I don't want my size to be the first thing they notice about me...
I'm a very busy music teacher and performer with 2 kids and a crazy wonky schedule. Hoping that calorie counting plus online support will help me make good decisions even when in the throngs of it all! Nice to meet everyone!!


  • Onyx_Eve
    Onyx_Eve Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck! I'll support you on your journey to the new you for sister's wedding! I'm calorie counting as well! Adding you as a friend!
  • fluffycandyfloss
    fluffycandyfloss Posts: 21 Member
    Hiya like you I've just (on Thursday just gone) completed my 1st week congrats on losing 8lbs!! I've sent a fr to ya :smile: