What do you eat in a day typically?

I am looking for ideas! Please share what you like to eat in a day :)


  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    A couple of protein bars, coffee with cream and sugar once and black if I have another, about 2 heads of lettuce, a cucumber, tomato, a lean meat (deli turkey, ground turkey, shrimp), halo top ice cream, and something snacky and carby like pretzels because they're at work and I have no self control. Salad for both lunch and dinner at the moment.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    You can learn a lot by reading people's diaries. When you see someone comment who seems to have a good handle on things, look to see if their diary is open.
  • hannat5017
    hannat5017 Posts: 44 Member
    I have 1700 calories so breakfast is usually granola with half cup of skim milk or a smoothie. First snack is almonds lunch is a 90 calorie flatbread with deli meat usually ham or turkey I'll sometimes add lettuce, 100 calorie Greek yogurt, 100 calorie snack pack, and 45 calorie pack of gummies dinner it varies as a I like to try new things but it's usually soup or something with chicken and maybe pasta with salad I have boring salads though bacon bits and reduced fat feta cheese. And usually some kind of snack usually a 100 calorie snack pack or a yasso bar with a single cookie. I buy different flavors of granola to keep breakfast somewhat different and sometimes I'll have eggs on the weekends with a slice of toast and peanut butter
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    My diary is open if you want to snoop.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm currently on 1630 calories. My diary is open, if you'd like a look. But generally, 6 days a week, my breakfast is red seedless grapes, Greek yogurt, and a granola bar.

    For lunch, I often take 1/2 cup of corn, slice a veggie dog, add various raw salad veggies, like grape tomatoes, cucumber, and onion with pickles, and pickled hot pepper and stir it up with salsa, 1 tbsp vegan sour cream, and 1 tbsp sweet pickle relish.

    Supper... I'm working my way through the 1,000 Vegan Recipes cookbook, one recipe at a time, in sequence. I'm on my final pasta recipe this week. Starting chilis next. Typically, each recipe gives me 4 servings. When I'm done with it, I eat frozen vegetarian options like fake chicken fingers, nuggets, burgers, etc. until Friday. I've also found a number of low-calorie salad/dip/spread options for snacking and light meals.

    I snack on string cheese, veggie dogs, skinny-pop popcorn, fruits, and lower-calorie desserts. My ice cream maker has been churning out various sorbets, lately.
  • djwar9858
    djwar9858 Posts: 43 Member
    Fruit, yogurt and tea for breakfast, soup for lunch, meat, veggie, salad for dinner. Dark salted chocolate, chocolate covered bananas, popcorn, fruit and fat free cool whip for treats.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited February 2017
    Food...a pretty wide variety of food.

    I eat a lot of things like oats, lentils, beans, potatoes and other root vegetables...fish, mostly salmon and cod...chicken, lean cuts of beef and pork...eggs...dairy...loads of vegetables...a couple servings of fruit.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Breakfast is typically 2 Wasa rye crispbread/crackers or 1 slice of pumpernickel w/fish, meat or cheese spread, and milk, or porridge w/butter, and a piece of fruit and raw vegetable.
    I typically pick lunch from the breakfast menu, but not the same things as I had for breakfast, or sometimes salad, leftovers, noodles, smoothie, hot cocoa or boiled egg.
    Dinner is typically either soup/casserole or meat/fish+starch+veg. Saturdays is typically cheese on toast or pancakes with added vegetables, sometimes pizza.
    If I eat an evening meal, it can be something from the lunch list, or dessert cheese, or breakfast cereals, or nuts/nut butter+fruit.
    If I want something extra, I typically mix peanuts and sesame seeds with honey.

    (I like typically. I usually do the same kinds of stuff, but I also like to mix things up, and be flexible :) )
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Chicken, salmon, brocolli, cauliflower, green beans, black/pinto/kidney beans, protein powders and bars, olive oil, tilapia, potatoes (sweet and redskin), shredded wheat, and oats.

    I throw in other things for variety from time to time, but those are my primaries.
  • ChristianaU92
    ChristianaU92 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a veggie but I do try to mix things up. I cook most of my meals from scratch cause its cheaper for me as a student. I do cheat a good bit on some weeks more than others. ;) Diary is open.

    Usually homemade granola/porridge.

    A soup/stew with a salad

    Brown rice pasta with a load a veggies
    Fish greens and sweet potato
    A curry or stir-fry with noodles/potatoes/or rice

    Usually have hummus and some carrots or oatcakes.
    A load of fruit handy
    Banana bread
    Protein bars or a smoothie
    Yogurt with some fruit.

  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    There's no processed food in our house.

    I'm calling BS on myself (before someone else does, and since I am apparently too stupid to figure out how to edit my own post). I do have SOME processed stuff, but it's like, canned olives or ghee or nitrate free bacon. I just don't have frozen dinners or bagged snackies like chips or crackers, microwave popcorn, or breakfast bars, anything like that.

    Moving on.

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Breakfast is usually either cottage cheese or yoghurt and fruit, or a sandwich slim with egg and turkey bacon lately. The rest of my diet is pretty varied. Like lunches this week were a subway sandwich, chicken burger on toasted bread, shakshuka (eggs cooked in stewed tomatoes), ham pita sandwich, Cliff bar. Dinners were spaghetti and turkey bolognese sauce, baked acorn squash and grilled chicken, thai soup with mushrooms and tofu, canned soup and toast... I think my diary is open. I enjoy cooking and like to make fresh as much as I can.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I change it up a lot, but a pretty typical day:

    Oatmeal/baked oatmeal for breakfast, or a protein smoothie. Usually with banana and/or frozen berries.

    Lunch is usually a salad with a veggie patty, spinach, carrot, other veggies, with hummus like a dressing

    Afternoon snack is one or two of the following: peanut butter pretzels, a biscuit, a piece of fruit, maybe some sun chips or something. Toast with peanut butter.

    Dinner switches up the most, but either another salad, soup, a curry, etc. For the next few days it'll be a yellow lentil dhal I made tonight.

    I usually have a dessert-type snack in the evening, usually another biscuit or a piece of fruit. Or Skyr, this icelandic yogurty thing my husband bought, with granola and honey.

    Throughout the day I have plenty of tea and coffee with milk. I drink a lot of flavoured bubbly water as I find normal water boring unless I'm exercising.

    Usually end up at 1500-1800 calories, give or take. My diary is open to friends.
  • FoxyMars25
    FoxyMars25 Posts: 112 Member
    My breakfast is pretty much the same all weekdays which is two hard boiled eggs, but only one yolk with dijon mustard and half a cup of plain greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder (PEScience Select Protein-Snickerdoodle flavor is awesome). For breakfast on weekends, I will usually do scrambled egg whites with spinach/tomato/avocado or "pancakes" made with one banana and two eggs only (they are SOOO good). I like to top them with natural peanut or almond butter and plain greek yogurt. Then for lunch and dinner I eat food that I cooked over the weekend. I usually spend a good amount of time on Sundays prepping food that I can eat throughout the week. For this week, I made crockpot Mexican chicken and cauliflower lime cilantro rice and parm turkey cutlets with balsamic brussel sprouts with shallots. I portion it out for my meals during the week-most of these recipes are from skinnytaste.com. Another good quick dinner to have (if I don't want what I made for the week) is sauteed spinach and mushrooms with scrambled egg whites and goat cheese. For snacks, I have nuts, turkey jerky, carrots/celery (that I also cut up on weekends so they are ready to go for the week) w/hummus, tuna (such as the 80 calorie pouches), or skinny pop popcorn (the dark chocolate dusted is my fav).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Breakfast - fruit or vegetable, milk, coffee, eggs, and either toast or oats
    Lunch - raw vegetables, cottage cheese or yogurt
    Dinner - raw vegetables, grilled or roasted meat, salad dressing
    Evening snack - bread, peanut butter
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member

    Breakfast - black coffee. then black tea.

    Lunch - apple, string cheese, and a lean cuisine

    Dinner - a sizeable amount of butter chicken with jasmine rice (peas, spinach, and shredded carrots steamed and mixed with the chicken and sauce). probably 2 Oreo cookies.

    1300 calories
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm at 1370 daily target right now, and don't do a ton of exercise.

    Breakfast: typically greek yogurt (Right now I like the Fage 2% wtih fruit, has about 12 g of protein!) + coffee

    Lunch: usually prep a meal on the weekend and portion it out for lunches...I use skinnytaste.com meals a lot, this week is just some marinated chicken breast & a frozen veggie mix

    Dinner: bigger variety here...last night was pesto shrimp pasta, tonight will probably be veggie burgers & veggies, maybe salmon and veggies

    Snacks: usually carrots and a string cheese, some berries, or a granola bar

    Dessert: a portion of Halo top, a Yasso frozen greek yogurt bar, maybe a small Noosa yogurt
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I eat the same foods I always did just in appropriate portion sizes for my goal. My diary is open.

    Breakfast- things like Greek yogurt, granola bars, cereal with milk, sandwich, dinner leftovers, fruit, cottage cheese (about 200-300 calories)
    Lunch- things like sandwich, salad, or dinner leftovers (about 300-500 calories)
    Dinner- something different every night of the month. (about 500-600 calories) I have soup once a week usually.
    Snacks- things like fruit, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chocolate, cookies, granola bar, carrots, celery, broccoli, trail mix, deviled eggs, pickles, cottage cheese (about 100-300 calories)
  • goblue8426
    goblue8426 Posts: 41 Member
    I eat a lot of the same foods for breakfast and lunch, then vary dinner based on whatever we're making. Breakfast is either ThinkThin bar or bites with a glass of milk, OR peanut butter toast with a glass of milk. Snacks are usually a hard-boiled egg, cottage cheese, veggies and dip, pistachios, or string cheese. Lunches are often salads (stuck on beet salads at the moment but quinoa salads, chicken salad, and regular lettuce salads usually make an appearance too). I tend to eat my lunch in phases throughout the day because I work long days sometimes and need to keep myself energized. Dinner varies but during the week, one night is usually Mexican, one night is usually soup/chili/stew, one night roasted chicken and veg, etc. Dessert is Annie's fruit snacks, a cookie, or ice cream. If I don't have enough calories left for dessert, I'll drink kombucha!