stupid qs about weight loss and dieting

Sorry...Im a little green when it comes to this...Im trying the hip hop abs 6 day slim down and going to do hha from there, until i get my strength up (i'm almost 360lbs) and my weight down.

at any rate, this is the first time im doing this eat 5 times a day thing. i work from home and it's a good day if i eat twice a day without snacking at night. so here are some qs

1. i try to wake up aorund 8, but if I wake up at like 12, should i just jump into lunch and have 4 meals the rest of the day? or just start breakfast?

2. I've eaten 5 times today and the food diary says i've taken in 1000 calories today. that's it. can this be? im not full, but i'm feeling nicely satisfied. I know people say I should eat more but...what should I do?

3. I always go over my sugar alotment for the day. I love fruit. I'm not supposed to be doing complex carbs cuz of the 6 day slim down...but is there anything that's sweet in taste but low in sugar that's like natural?

4. seasonings and evoo -- should i be entering this if I'm just cooking with it. on the food diary?

Think that's all I got for right now. Will probably come back for more.
And please friend me! I always need encouragement. Working out is a bore/task for me and I always have cravings!


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    1. You don't need to eat any particular number of meals a day. You can eat 1 or 7, neither will make a difference as long as you're meeting your caloric goals and you can adhere to your plan (i.e. not undereat or binge)

    2. You're probably eating a ton of filling, low-cal stuff like veggies, and probably a lot of "diet" or "fat-free" stuff. The bottom line is that 1000 calories is far too low for most people. Lose the diet stuff, eat more lean meats, healthy fats, eggs, yogurt, nuts, etc. :Hit your target. Consider reassessing the 1200-calorie goal (you don't have to starve to lose weight).

    3. Don't track sugar. You don't need to unless you have a medical condition that necessitates it. Eat your fruit. Enjoy your carbs.

    4. YES. There's 80 calories in a tsp of EVOO. Some seasonings have a goodish number of calories. Until you know what's in them track everything.
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Depending on lots of things Age, weight, gender, height your caloric needs will differ but everyone will agree that 1000 is way to low. You will shoot yourself in the foot by eating that number everyday. Sugars like fructose are fine in moderation just avoid heavily sugared items like candy bars and coke. Seasonings usually dont matter except for oils you use or salts if you track sodium intake. Meals dont matter just meet your cals everyday and your fine.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    Thanks guys

    And cameirun, I am eating lots of meats! Im guessing this is high protein and low carb.
    Nonetheless, I'm telling you guys I hit 1000 today (by MFP standards) and I feel fine. Trust me, I dont want to eat 1000 calories a day. MFP recommends about 1900.

    Oh, also wanted to know

    5. Is there something I can purchase that will accurately track the number of calories I'm burning as well? Because I did some cardio today, and unfortunately, cardio doesn't show up in Exercise -- like hip hop abs and walk away the pounds....said I burned 600+ calories but If ind that hard to believe!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Have larger portions of meat, then. Put some olive oil or dressing on salads. Avocado, natural peanut butter, nuts, full-fat cheese/milk/yogurt - all high cal without being too filling. These can help you reach your intake goals easily.

    (Seriously though, if MFP's goal for you is 1900, then aim to meet that every day. You're going to do yourself a disservice by undereating - you'll screw up your metabolism and lose a lot of lean body mass/muscle).

    You need to purchase a heart rate monitor to track your exercise burns. Look for one with a chest strap.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    1. i try to wake up aorund 8, but if I wake up at like 12, should i just jump into lunch and have 4 meals the rest of the day? or just start breakfast?

    I can't say much in regards to your other questions, but...

    Eat when you're hungry! Just keep it healthy. :drinker:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Don't worry too much about the sugar in fruit..just keep in mind that fruit is fairly calorie dense. Yes, log olive oil. A tablespoon is over 100 calories. Its healthy fat, so do use it! Again...calorie dense. Just keep logging all your food, brutally honestly.
    For your exercise, a HRM would be a good idea for you. Or some other device....I use a FitBit, love it! One of the programs you're using sounds like a walking program? There are several listings in the database of walking at various speeds, use one of those. Hang in can do this. And keep in mind---it is definitely possible to be not eating enough and making it harder to lose weight. You may want to take a closer look at what you're eating, and how much. Good luck!
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    In relation to the calories....definitely eat more. I started at 380 pounds and have lost 180 pounds...if you are only eating 1000 calories (which should only be done unless very small or under a doctors supervision) what happens if you plateau? You couldnt cut back further. I ate 1800 calories and looking back could have eaten more like 2200 calories. If MFP says 1900 calories then eat that and then after several weeks if you arent losing or losing too much readjust your calories dependant on your results. Have things like protein shakes, avocado, peanut butter, tahini, nut butters, olive oil, cheese....incorporate food you enjoy. I eat chocolate most days and has never harmed my weight loss. Also start doing strength training as soon as you can. I started about 330 pounds but you could start now. Best of luck!
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    In relation to the calories....definitely eat more. I started at 380 pounds and have lost 180 pounds...if you are only eating 1000 calories (which should only be done unless very small or under a doctors supervision) what happens if you plateau? You couldnt cut back further. I ate 1800 calories and looking back could have eaten more like 2200 calories. If MFP says 1900 calories then eat that and then after several weeks if you arent losing or losing too much readjust your calories dependant on your results. Have things like protein shakes, avocado, peanut butter, tahini, nut butters, olive oil, cheese....incorporate food you enjoy. I eat chocolate most days and has never harmed my weight loss. Also start doing strength training as soon as you can. I started about 330 pounds but you could start now. Best of luck!

    im going to get into all that next week or maybe week after next. i just want to do something semi-dramatic to get myself into this lifestyle and see results. but again, 1000 wasn't my goal. since i posted this, i found another 600 cals to eat, so im at 1600 and that will prolly be up because it's sleepy time