I went over my calories

Today i went over my calories for the super bowl. I never go over and the first day i do since my journey the scale says 5 pounds heaver from yesterday. Wth. Way to make me feel more guilty than i already do. Yes i know the scale fluctuates but i just needed to vent.


  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    FFeric wrote: »
    I would say you probably aren't alone today. I think I had one plateful of food during the game alone that took up my entire daily allotment! Chalk it up as an anomaly and start kicking butt tomorrow morning again!

    Oh i will. I was just mad about the scale being 5 pound more in one day.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Water weight. Hope you enjoyed the food!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Wait a minute... you weighed yourself tonight? After eating all day? When do you normally weigh yourself?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Wait until the morning to weigh yourself. The scale is always up in the evening after eating even if you didn't go over your calories because food and liquid have weight.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    If you were eating stereotypical superbowl food, you'd be experiencing some wicked fluid retention due to the salt content of the food. I mean, you didn't go 17500 Cals over maintenance to put on 5lbs

    ...and if you did, I'd hate to think how your digestive tract is coping right now >_<
  • JohnnyPenso
    JohnnyPenso Posts: 412 Member
    The first time I ever counted calories was after the Super Bowl about 10 years ago. I manually entered all the info on a spreadsheet and came up with a best guess of 9000 calories. B) A house full of food and I couldn't stop eating :D . Thankfully I have more self control these days and only went about 500 over maintenance today.
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    Wait a minute... you weighed yourself tonight? After eating all day? When do you normally weigh yourself?

    Yes but i weighed myself this morning and it was 4 pounds heavier.
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    If you were eating stereotypical superbowl food, you'd be experiencing some wicked fluid retention due to the salt content of the food. I mean, you didn't go 17500 Cals over maintenance to put on 5lbs

    ...and if you did, I'd hate to think how your digestive tract is coping right now >_<

    No only like 600 over
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    Wait until the morning to weigh yourself. The scale is always up in the evening after eating even if you didn't go over your calories because food and liquid have weight.

    I did. It said 4 pounds heavier wth
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm up 4 pounds today. But I barely drank water and might as well have eaten bags of salt. But! I'm killing the water today and I'm confident in the next day or two, it'll be better. I was just a tick over maintenance calories.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    You aren't really up 4 or 5 pounds, it's mostly water weight. Give it a few days and most or all of it will be gone.