Help Needed!

I've started going to the gym on January 1st, 2017 & I'm still committed to the lifestyle and I'm very thankful I've made that decision. I'm trying to loose weight on the long run as time is not an issue since I have too many kilos to to loose.

My height is 186cm & my starting weight was 134kg and I'm now 128kg. the last time I went to the gym before that was more than a year ago. So yes, eventually I gained a lot.

My question is regarding my workout & I need your help figuring out the best routine to follow.

Here's what I've done so far:-

Week 1: Treadmill (30 mins) fast pace walking and running for 2 mins every now & then + Elliptical (15 mins) + Bike (15 mins).

Week 2: Elliptical (3 sets of 10 mins) + fast pace walking (treadmill 25 mins)

Week 3-4-5: Elliptical (40 mins) running.

Week 6 (Sunday): Elliptical (25 mins) running + rowing machine (15 mins)

**All the above do not include weights.

Although it is a good thing that I'm improving, I no longer enjoy them as they are starting to get really boring. plus, I hear a lot of people saying that doing only cardio does more harm than good.

I know it may sound silly asking this, but I would appreciate your input on the best routine to follow.
Please let me know of any additional information needed.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited February 2017
    Doing all cardio doesn't 'harm' you. But adding in some strength/resistance training would be beneficial.

    Look up C25K to give you some structured cardio if you like running and ask a PT at your gym to show you the weights.