Anyone w/sw of 250+ lbs how long for results?



  • honeybunny406
    honeybunny406 Posts: 12 Member
    I was 283, when I started and over 50, to boot. I always struggled with weight and weight loss. I would lose some then gain it back plus some. I gave up and just ate. Then my husband had 2 heart attacks and by-pass surgery. We had to change our eating habits and our life style. I started monitoring our salt intake, since he was put on a 2000mg/day sodium restriction, which meant I now had to read labels and watch portion sizes. That was 9/16. To date, I have lost 35 lbs and seem to be at a plateau. I was very frustrated, in the beginning, thinking I was heavy enough the weight should just fall off, which, much to my dismay, it did not. I was loosing 1-2 lbs a week, which a nutritionist told me was a great weight loss. It took about 25-30 lbs before my clothes started feeling looser and I am actually in clothes I haven't worn for years. My husband comments he can see my weight loss, but others have not. I too see it in my face, but don't see it in other places. I agree with comments up above that give it time. It will happen, and by taking it off slow and steady, it should be something you can maintain when all is said and done. Remember it isn't about what others see, it is about how you feel. We exercise everyday be it walking 2 miles (hills included) or riding a stationary bike. I feel better, I can see my ankles, again, I am not out of breath when I tie my shoes and I don't think my bat wings are as big as they used to be. That being said, look for the small things and one day you will notice all the big things. Best of luck on your journey.
  • I started last March at 267.6, now 218.6
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I started at 378 pounds, and have lost 78 so far. And I can't see a blimmin' thing; except, as you say, a slightly slimmer face. friends tell me that the change is not only obvious but drastic, and people at work have noticed too. It's just me that doesn't. So it may be that way for you too.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I started in March 2013 at 262 lb. By August 2013 I was at 225 lb but only beginning to wear smaller sizes by that point.

    However, when I hit 210 lb (around the end of 2013) EVERYONE I knew was noticing & commenting and I'd dropped several sizes. It is very true that the lower you go, the more noticeable a loss will be. It is well worth sticking with it.

    (now almost 4 years later, I am in 170s range, my lowest was 166, so I'm sort of in a maintenance zone at 5'8" and don't really plan to go below 160)
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    My highest just before MFP was 256. I first noticed changes when I got around 230. Hubby said there was less @$$ to grab.

    Why is it that this is how husband's notice? Lol
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    SW: 250;
    CW: 130;
    Height: 5'3.

    I noticed it significantly by the time I was 220lbs, then again at 180, then 160, and every ten pounds there after.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I started at 275 and 5'3" in September. I'm down to to 227 today. I am wearing the same clothing size as when I first weighed in because I was in total denial. I had recently moved and took my measurements so I could order warmer clothes online. I was not the 2x I had somehow been squeezing into, but a 4x. I got back on the losing wagon and went ahead and ordered those clothes in a 3x and they fit by the time they got here.

    In the first two months I lost 30 pounds. I got to pull out those old 2x clothes before Thanksgiving and fit in them for real that time. I had not noticed any changes in the mirror, but was aware my weight and measurements were way lower so I took pictures and compared to a photo from the weekend before I came back to MFP. Whoa! My face, especially my chin, had thinned out a ton, so I think that is often where change is first noticed, and my whole body looked a little slimmer. So, I would def recommend taking pics and measurements for comparison.

    Since then I'm 17 pounds down and still in the same size, but I've been buying the misses XXL instead of 2X plus, because they are more fitted through the waist and I have one of those now. Recently, I'm noticing how skinny my legs look is the mirror. Everyday, for the past week I've been wondering who those scrawny legs belong to and where exactly are these extra 90 pounds I need to lose? I think I go through phases where I don't see anything change, then one day I don't recognize myself. I also believe all my clothes have shrunk every time I do laundry until I wear them. I'm sure you will get to this confusing state of being soon enough. Give it another 20-30 pounds and you won't know who you are anymore.
  • Allie2060
    Allie2060 Posts: 32 Member
    I started at 255 three months ago and have lost 31lbs. I can't really see the difference, but I did have to buy a belt last week. The pants I bought to excercise in kept falling down, so I had to buy new ones. I've had compliments from people who don't know I'm trying to lose weight, so I guess it is a bit noticeable. I'll be happy when I can see it too.
  • jamama32435
    jamama32435 Posts: 1 Member
    My starting weight was 311. I didn't much Start noticing a change till I was around 260. So it'll take about 50lbs depending on the amount you need to lose

  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    I started Jan 4th at 245 and I'm 230 now. I don't see my family much as they live 4 hours away. I visited last weekend and they could see a difference straight away but I think this is because it's dropping off my face first. I also noticed in my clothes that those muffin top handles that stick out the sides of my dresses have slimmed a bit.

    I took measurements about week 3 and going to measure again at the end of Feb. Excited to see where it goes. I've started over many times in here and always find the scale is my enemy as it moves so slow but this time I've added a lot of accountability friends and taking note of those nsvs as I know I'm getting stronger.

    Just remember this is full-on war with your body - just keep swimming. Every day is a victory and in 6 months you'll be so proud of how far you've come. I'm very excited <3
  • Haniejane89
    Haniejane89 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, my starting weight was 368 lbs. I'm now at 257. Took a while for people to start noticing. Probably around the 50 lb mark But I have now dropped 5 clothes sizes from a UK 28 to a UK 18. And am feeling FAB. Have had the confidence to meet someone. People comment on my loss all the time at the moment which half makes me feel good and half gets a little awkward haha
    Anyway I will put a starting pic and a pic from about a month ago when I was about 265l3fxysdofunb.jpg
  • MerchantJohn
    MerchantJohn Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I started my journey at 242lbs I know this isn't in your number but I thought I would pipe up anyway.
    I started my journey after a new years eve party a few years ago after I heard a female friend say to another friend can you believe the size of him now. I started slowly and kept with it. I faltered a few times on this journey because I just couldn't see the results and kept saying why am I doing this?? I love food which was what got me to where I was. Then one day I changed my attitude not to exercise or my diet to how I handled 'falling off the wagon'. I decided that if I 'fell off the wagon' because I ate something 'bad' then rather the attitude of I've been bad so I might as well be really bad and right I'll start again on Monday (next week) or next month. I started with no you have had your treat now get back on it, don't waste all the hard work I have done to this point. This was pretty life changing moment for me. Don't get me wrong some of the falls were big where I just felt completely ill from the rubbish I ate but rather than beat myself up I just said to myself it's done it starts again right now. Once I had that thought process I and friends started to notice the difference first it was a bit then more, then more. I just kept going the further I went the better I felt the more compliments I got the more it pushed me. I still live by this now. I think I dropped as low as 180lbs but I had started weight training too once I was comfortable that has continued I now weigh almost 200lbs with 14% bodyfat and I'm still pushing myself. I no longer have acute asthma, I feel I could run a marathon if I trained a little for it. I'm the fittest and healthiest I have ever been and I'm over 40. With a girlfriend 15 years younger.
    What I'm trying to say is keep going, if you fall so what just get back up and keep going don't lie down and think ok I'm down here now I will stop for a while and start again next week. Get up and go again girl!!! Never stop trying, weigh yourself once a week if you must but there is a huge difference between losing fat and weight.
    You can do it! Just be constituently better than constituently bad. The cold hard truth I learnt to accept is that I had got to the size I was in a month so I couldn't expect to be the size I wanted in a month. It takes time the slower you do it the better as the skin has time to become elastic again. Don't do fad diets just train yourself to have a healthier life style!
    You can do it! I believe you can all you have to do is believe too....
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    SW 250.5lbs (mid March 2016)
    CW 172lbs

    I started noticing that I felt better after about 20lbs. Things that had winded me before didn't anymore, and I could bend down to tie my shoes! People started commenting around 30lbs down. I probably didn't notice in the mirror until about 50lbs down. Luckily, I took progress photos, and the difference is obvious. I highly recommend taking pictures; as much as you can, use the same pose, same outfit. There is no denying the change, even though I still feel fat sometimes. I'm not sure how long it took to be down a size. I let some clothes get pretty baggy, as I should have been replacing my wardrobe every month, but that was not realistic.
    Keep at it, you are off to a great start!
  • Sweets_Ross
    Sweets_Ross Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. My name is Sweets and I am 53 years old and have a neuromuscular disease that has, at times, kept me in a chair. My highest weight was 399# in 2012. I have lost just over 200#, mostly over the past 2.5 years. My goal weight is 175#. I've got ~20# to go.

    I started noticing changes in my face, which continued for the first ~35#. The changes in my body really kicked in around 40#. While everyone's body is different, it seemed to me that my body had to warm up to loosing weight. Once it did - the changes started being really noticeable. At one point, when passing a mirror, my reflection actually caused me to jump/startle. The longer I stayed with the program, the faster I lost.

    I started at a Women's Plus Size 38. Now I wear a 16/18. My co-morbidities are gone. In their place are LOW blood pressure and blood sugar. I've been on 800-1000 calories (low fat/no fried food/low starch/no stupid/no sweets/high protein) for the duration. Yesterday I was told to go to 1000-1200, with the same rules. I don't recommend a diet this low in calories for everyone. I simply can't exercise like the majority of you.

    This is a lifestyle. It took 25 years to get fat and I knew not to expect it to disappear quickly. Therapy can't be suggested enough, especially if you have a large amount of weight to loose.

    I wish you luck on your journey.
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