After having my last child three years ago I just can't lose the weight! I have four children in all so I'm knackered by the evening. Too knackered for exercise. I'd like to join a gym but can't afford it - and with four kids, a part time job and starting an access to Uni course - I don't have the time.
My life seems to consist of :- I get tired - I eat.
I get stressed - I eat. I get depressed - I eat. I lose weight - I think I can eat.
They say it's better to change your lifestyle than to go on a diet so that's what I'm trying. More fruit and veg. Smaller dinners. No chocolate, bread, crisps, biscuits etc.
I think it would help to have friends in the same boat. So - when we actually conquer our demons surrounding food - we r there for each other with a big cheer!


  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Welcome :)

    That's me... fatigue, stress, depression- let's eat! Hopefully, it will encourage you to know that I've lost a total of 75 lbs in the last 5 years, in fits & starts (still have 30 or so to go). I have young kids at home that I home school and started with virtually no exercise. Exercise isn't required for weight loss. It can help create a calorie deficit, but to me, it's more for fitness and mood support (and then, because I have more endurance and a better mood, I'm not as inclined to eat as much). So don't forget about exercise altogether, but lack of it doesn't doom your weight loss.

    So may I offer a couple of suggestions? Have you entered your stats, a manageable weekly weight loss goal (probably not 2 lbs/week unless you are obese), and gotten your calorie allowance from MFP? Then faithfully and accurately log and keep to that number- don't worry about the rest. Your more fruit & veg and smaller dinner goals sound good, but eating healthier is a long-term project and many who try to overhaul their entire diet overnight quickly become discouraged. Do you really foresee a *lifestyle* that doesn't include chocolate or bread? :( If those are particular trigger foods for you, I can see maybe wanting to avoid them, but with kids in the house, I'm guessing you'll always have some bread or biscuits around, so learning to control portions would be my goal.

    The last thing... patience. Being busy is a challenge, and and an aggressive weight loss goal may not work for you. You may have cringed when I mentioned it taking me 5 years to lose 75 lbs, but that was a lot better than fast success that I couldn't sustain, and way better than nothing at all! You can do it! :)
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Oh, and one more thing: Never say the phrase "I'm never gonna lose this weight" again, and if your brain is saying it to you, talk back ;)