INSANITY!!!!! '_'

my insanity workout is in the mail and on the way im soooo excited about starting this program and im kind of scared too. i know it will be hard but i keep thinking the in about 2months and 2weeks i will have the awesonme body ive always wanted and i will be in great shape. ive heard that its best to chat with others doing the program or have already done the program to keep me motivated and on track. i need some INSANITY brothers and sisters!! Is there anyone out there???


  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello! I have done insanity. Yes it is insane but you will feel amazing!!! Motivation and support are the best tools for getting through these workouts. I felt much more energized and stronger. I'm doing a Combat/Pump hybrid now and I love it. Let me know how it goes!
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    It is pretty tough! If you want to get in shape its definitely a good program. I'm doing it as well :)

    This is so pathetic but its so tough that I cried on the second day! Haha, but Shaun T keeps you so motivated, and its not one of those dvds that have people acting fake in the background smiling.
    These people are dying right along with you. Haha Theres actually a guy crying in the very back in one of dvds. Haha
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I just started this as well. I did the fit test today, and I'm kind of scared, too. One of my friends told me that if you just listen to your body, and don't overdo it too much, I'll be fine. I've heard stories of people throwing up, etc., but they were overdoing it, obviously.
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    It is pretty intense especially if you haven't worked out in awhile. Definitely push yourself, but also know your limits. Take breaks when you need to do. Try to do a little more each day and by 60 days you will be amazed at how you feel. insanity was one of my favorite programs. :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm almost done with week 2 of month 2. It's intense, but I've never had any real problems. The key is to make sure you maintain good form and go at your own pace. Push as hard as you can, but take breaks when you need to. You won't be able to keep up with the people in the video, and that's okay. Even the fitness professionals can't always keep up with the whole workouts. The number one cause of injury during insanity is bad form. If you feel yourself slipping, take a breather and fix your form. A few times, I felt extra strain on my knees, so had to stop and figure out what I was doing wrong. Then I got back to it and was fine. You're going to be unbelievably sore by the end of the first week, and that's normal. Push through it and you'll be fine. I recommend taking body measurements and progress pictures before you start. The scale is often not going to show your losses since you will be retaining fluid in your muscles, but pictures and a tape measure will. Not doing that is the number one regret I hear about insanity from people.