You will weigh *this much* in 5 weeks..



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    It's only based on that day. I wish it was more of a trend. So maybe look at your past 30, 60, or 90 day history and say, based on the last 30 days of logging, in 5 weeks, you will weigh X. That would be more useful. A one day trend is ridiculous.

    It does seem silly that the program has access to both your weight and your intake/output, but makes no attempt to combine them.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I usually copy and paste mine into the ''notes'' area right below it. I found it to be accurate when I was really logging everything I ate. Some days it is up or down, but overall it's been pretty accurate for me.

    If I am losing a lot less, then I take it as a sign to rethink my logging, to see if I am mis-logging anything.

    Good Luck!

    edit: I lost about 25 pounds last year, and have reset my counter to show my new goal. :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I read a post from someone that made a spreadsheet of the daily ammounts and then recorded how much he weighed after that month and it was right on. He pretty much ate the same thing every day.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Its wildly erratic, depending on what your net is for that day. To be fair, it does say "If every day was like today" - but my days swing from huge calorie surpluses to deficits.

    I like one of the ideas from higher up in this thread - perhaps than can have an "If the next five weeks is like your last five weeks (or perhaps last one week), you will weigh ...." instead of relying on just one day
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The closest I've ever been to the predicted weight was 3#. I got tired of seeing it lying to me, so I don't close out my diary any more. :bigsmile:
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I never pay attention to it. I've gotten to my "predicted weight" much sooner when I cut out grains.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I use it more as feedback on the choices I made that day than a real life prediction. On days when I don't exercise or eat too much, it reminds me I should make better choices the next day. On days when I workout hard and eat well, it reinforces my newly developing habits.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    In the early phases of losing weight, yes many times it was darn close. I would record every so often the number in my calendar and was surprised by how close it came. Now that I am about 20 pounds from goal, not even close, or the "I wish" that were true, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, which is fine but that number taunts me just about daily :)

    Also I learned, maybe on the app, that you could go back 5 weeks and "complete" your diary and it will give you the number that would be "today" In case you want to go back in time and see what it would say 5 weeks ago.
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    In the early phases of losing weight, yes many times it was darn close. I would record every so often the number in my calendar and was surprised by how close it came. Now that I am about 20 pounds from goal, not even close, or the "I wish" that were true, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, which is fine but that number taunts me just about daily :)

    I'm in a serious struggling phase, and I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to close out my diary because I just feel bad. According to the "prediction" I should have reached my goal weight looooooooong ago.
  • mgirard447
    mgirard447 Posts: 48 Member
    I use it more as feedback on the choices I made that day than a real life prediction. On days when I don't exercise or eat too much, it reminds me I should make better choices the next day. On days when I workout hard and eat well, it reinforces my newly developing habits.

    I agree. I do this too
  • mgirard447
    mgirard447 Posts: 48 Member
    In the early phases of losing weight, yes many times it was darn close. I would record every so often the number in my calendar and was surprised by how close it came. Now that I am about 20 pounds from goal, not even close, or the "I wish" that were true, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, which is fine but that number taunts me just about daily :)

    I'm in a serious struggling phase, and I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to close out my diary because I just feel bad. According to the "prediction" I should have reached my goal weight looooooooong ago.

    Keep going! You will get there!