Calorie surplus for booty gains

I am 130lbs, 5'5".. currently eating about 1700 calories. I have seen little progress after 4 months of working out with heavy weights. After some research, I learned that I should be eating at a surplus.

What would that mean for someone like me? 2000-2500? Could you guys give me ideas of what my daily diet should consist of? What foods I should be eating? How clean I should eat?



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You may want to come over to the gaining forum, this post pretty much sums it all up:

    In there it will talk about cals and macros. Keep in mind it will be trial and error as to how many cals you may need as well as finding the macros that work for you (the macros indicated are minimums).
    In terms of foods, I would keep it flexible. I personally aim to hit my macros, keep it mainly nutrient dense, with 10-20% treats (whatever that means to you). Also I would follow a booty focused program like Strong Curves.
  • KimmalyS
    KimmalyS Posts: 131 Member
    @sardelsa thanks!!!!! That was very informative and helpful