Question for the ladies!

Hi girls! I just joined Planet Fitness on Wednesday, and since then I've gone either one or two times a day. :) I love it! Although I noticed something strange today. I have a couple small blue marks and red splotches on the under side of my breasts. I don't use a sports bra when working out because I don't own one. :( When I get paid on Friday I'll be buy one, though. But anyway, could the splotches and small bruises be from not wearing a sports bra and running and sweating? I'm really worried about it....:(


  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Were you wearing a bra with underwire when you were working out?
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Sure. Especially if there's foldover there. Bouncing, pulling, chafing, rubbing, the material, sweating, and all that good stuff can lead to problems around the boobs. Definitely try to buy a really good quality sports bra because they are worth their weight in gold for a large chested girl, and if you happen to not have one available, try to wear a few bras. Long term it's not the best, but it'll work in a pinch. If my sports bra isn't tight enough, I get little bruises around the bottom (and even along the top). As far as the splotches, that may be a reaction to the sweat and/or material of the bra or the rubbing. Try diaper rash cream if it gets itchy.
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    be really careful about protecting those. i didn't use the right support, just a whatever bra and my adorable little leftie b got a lump. completely scared me and my doctor. wound up going through imaging and sonograms to find it was damaged tissue from exercise. it eventually healed and went away but whew! please make sure they're secure up front.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    be really careful about protecting those. i didn't use the right support, just a whatever bra and my adorable little leftie b got a lump. completely scared me and my doctor. wound up going through imaging and sonograms to find it was damaged tissue from exercise. it eventually healed and went away but whew! please make sure they're secure up front.

    Holy crap! That's terrifying!
  • bethyylovee
    bethyylovee Posts: 54 Member
    Good to know!! As soon as I get paid on Friday I'm investing in them! :) I use most of my time to run on the treadmill, so I really need to get some.
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    be really careful about protecting those. i didn't use the right support, just a whatever bra and my adorable little leftie b got a lump. completely scared me and my doctor. wound up going through imaging and sonograms to find it was damaged tissue from exercise. it eventually healed and went away but whew! please make sure they're secure up front.

    Holy crap! That's terrifying!

    yeah, a walnut sized lump a week before christmas. and i have little ones. totally freaked me out. im really careful now and sad i had to be exposed to unnecessary radiation. ups your chances for future issues. =( be careful with your bodies ladies.