Giving this an actual try this time!

To be entirely honest, Ive never actually posted in a forum, or blog! So Im not exactly sure how something like this works :-P But I feel community is important.

Like most people using MFP I am on a journey! My goal is to lose 75 lbs- it seems so daunting.
I have tried this app a few times over the last couple years, but never actually stuck with it- but not this time! I am giving this an honest to goodness chance!
I bought a food scale to help me measure my eats. Last time I tried MFP I found myself eye-balling alot of measurements, or just straight up guessing- which proved unsuccessful!
I am more then happy to hear any advice any one has for me :-P



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Best wishes. When I stick with my plan it works perfectly. An important consideration is that if you do have a bad day, don't let it derail you, and don't blame yourself. Lots of great people here.