My iphone app does not access the database of foods

I did email this question to MFP and their reply was that the answer is coming but will be delayed due to the number of questions. I have talked to my other friends using an iphone with MFP and they are having the same issue. My hope is that someone on here knows the answer.

When I try to enter food into My Diary, my only options are Recent, Frequent, My Foods, Meals, Recipes. I have no option to search the database. When I type a new food into the "Search for Food" bar, it says no results found and asked if I want to create a food. How do I access the database?

I came back to MFP after using another app for a long time because MFP works with my fitbit. But if I can't get this resolved soon I am going to find another app to use. I never had these issues in the past. yes, I've search the archives for similar questions and there are no resolutions posted. Thanks so much!

- Becky