Hello, Hello

Hello everybody! I'm new to my fitnesspal but I'm not new to this journey. When I started I weighed 220 lbs and I lost 53 lbs and weighed 167 lbs. My nutrition has been not so good lately and now I weigh 172. My goal weight is 160. I use to log my nutrition on another app last year but I stopped, and decided to start back and use this app. Hopefully logging again will help me lose these last 12 lbs. My nutrition has always been my hardest struggle but I workout 4-5 times a week with no problem. I think I actually like working out. Never thought I'd say that!! I love the way I feel afterwards. I would love to help motivate or inspire others by sharing my experiences on this journey! Add me as a friend if you'd like to and I'm going to try to figure out how to request friends or invite friends. Have a great day, and NEVER GIVE UP!!!


  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    Heya sweetie! I love your attitude, you sound so motivated!! I hope we can be friends <3