
Ladies do you struggle to eat healthy on your cycle? I'm have completely ruinedy progress this week. All I want is bad, unhealthy food. :(


  • NinjaChinchillaNZ
    NinjaChinchillaNZ Posts: 56 Member
    Yes, I have a sweet tooth. I try to go for lower calorie sweet options or sugar free versions and if that fails I just eat to maintenance.
  • emmarrgh
    emmarrgh Posts: 44 Member
    I am aiming for maintenance during the really bad days. This week I ate truffles, pizza, McDonald's and baked a devil's food cake. I drank a tonne of water and tried to eat those things "reasonably" and didn't lose weight but also didn't gain, so I count it as a win lol.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I have a salt tooth at that time. Generally, I go for skinny pop popcorn, pop chips, vegetable straws, and veggie dogs. String cheese can be an option once the cramps aren't so bad, but I find I can't have dairy when they are. I also tend to eat more bread at that time. So far, I've been fitting it into my calorie limit okay. I should mention that I've found that when I was routinely doing ab-crunches and other abdominal exercises, my cramps and cravings were less. I should get back to that.
  • shaunte92
    shaunte92 Posts: 127 Member
    Either I have no appetite or I want to eat everything, so for me it kind of balances it out. But if you're having unhealthy cravings I'd just give in and try not to over eat. Or maybe switch to maintenance for the week ?
  • 24clouds
    24clouds Posts: 74 Member
    I'm really gutted. I came on today and also my weigh in day. I lost zip all! I don't even crave at TOM air eat more. Wanna cry. Makes h think what's the sodding point
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    24clouds wrote: »
    I'm really gutted. I came on today and also my weigh in day. I lost zip all! I don't even crave at TOM air eat more. Wanna cry. Makes h think what's the sodding point

    The sodding point is that if you give up, you'll only get heavier.

    I'm afraid weight fluctuations happen to all of us. You need to focus on something other than the scale number - it will go up and down. The overall downward trend is what matters.

    To the original question: I sometimes get more hungry/cravey on my period. It just goes with the territory, I think. Sometimes I eat more, other times I power through. You do whatever works. But don't use it as an excuse to give up and stop logging. Whatever you eat, log it and keep going.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I have pretty much lost my period (yes, I know it might not be good and yes I'm working on it), but I still get the stupid pms symptoms. I think it's because I'm still ovulating? Anyway, I want to eat a piece of cake the size of my face right now. I settled on 5 Now and Laters from the bodega.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    I do get the munchies really bad with my PMS, but I made myself a deal: I allow myself to have 1 giant hunk of chocolate one of the days leading up to my period. I might go over my calorie goal for that day, but it's one day. It curbs my food cravings and keeps me from murdering people (bonus!)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2017
    leann74016 wrote: »
    Ladies do you struggle to eat healthy on your cycle? I'm have completely ruinedy progress this week. All I want is bad, unhealthy food. :(

    No food is good or bad, and unhealthy is the perception.

    Negative self talk is bad, though--you didn't ruin your progress, you took a temporary shortcut. ;)

    Seriously, give yourself a break. :D
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    Yep. The week before I usually crave salty fats. I eat more than normal, but then once TOM starts, I rarely feel like eating at all.
    I agree that working out helps me with the cramps and keeps me on track, despite how unmotivated I am. I also see an additional 5 lbs on the scale that goes away after a few days. I try not to put too much weight (pun intended) on what the scale says, but rather on how my clothes feel.

    I also tend to crave salty fats when I'm ovulating.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    My cravings are usually uncontrollable and I go way over calories for one day. I eat at a deficit other times to make up for it. For some reason, I didn't crave this month. I got horrible cramps and insomnia instead, which I never get. So no treats this month. I only splurge on treats if I have PMS. Since I can't moderate, I don't do treats other times.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    My cravings are for salty, oily, deep fried guessed it...POTATO SCALLOPS. And chips and gravy. I have to be REALLY careful and plan REALLY well during that week.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    leann74016 wrote: »
    Ladies do you struggle to eat healthy on your cycle? I'm have completely ruinedy progress this week. All I want is bad, unhealthy food. :(

    Honestly, you're not going to ruin all your progress in one week. That's not possible, especially for someone who's been on MFP for 6 years. "Wanting" foods not on your plan is not failure. Chin up!
  • sparkle1944
    sparkle1944 Posts: 7 Member
    leann74016 wrote: »
    Ladies do you struggle to eat healthy on your cycle? I'm have completely ruinedy progress this week. All I want is bad, unhealthy food. :(

    Only thing to remember is why you started mfp in the beginning....forget the wrong choices and build up the good ones...regards
  • SapioEnigmate
    SapioEnigmate Posts: 15 Member
    I usually only have 2-3 days where I am ravenous right before my period. And I tend to have a eating pattern that cycles calories anyway. So I'll just eat a ton those few days and then not eat much of anything a few days over the next week. Which works out since I am generally feeling bad and not super hungry during my period. It all balances out.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I have no cycle currently (breastfeeding a 3 month old) but I always found that if I followed my meal planning, I would gain some at that TOM but if I looked at an overall graph of my weight, I continued to lose at a steady pace overall. The water weight 'gain' masked the loss I continually had. Follow your plan and it will work.