
I always eat perfectly during the day, but get super hungry/peckish in the evenings! I don't want this to ruin my diet... Any advice? <3


  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    edited February 2017
    Maybe leave yourself some calories and plan a snack into your daily plan
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    Maybe leave yourself some calories and plan a snack into your daily plan

    Yeah, I always plan a bedtime snack but for some reason I always get so peckish! Maybe it's boredom?
  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    What's your protein/fiber/water intake?
  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Maybe, do you always snack on the same type of food? Maybe your body is craving something you're not getting in your diet.
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    miritikvah wrote: »
    What's your protein/fiber/water intake?

    My macros are usually around 30% protein, 20% fat, 50% carbs. I always go way over on my fiber, and I forget to log water but always drink 7-8 glasses
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    Maybe, do you always snack on the same type of food? Maybe your body is craving something you're not getting in your diet.

    I usually snack on something like low calorie popcorn or crackers
  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I usually am really strict on the first three days of the week and have a big deficit and loosen up a little as I go but still maintain a deficit. On my strict days,I definitely just have to go to sleep hungry and ignore my desire for whisky and junk food.
  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    Physical hunger or emotional/boredom? Yeah if ur meeting nutrition plus eating idk y?
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    I usually save some calories for the night after dinner. I personally enjoy Kellogg's fiber cereal with low fat milk, and some protein powder. It keeps me full for hours until I go to sleep. You gotta find your own food that keeps you full in a way I suppose. Huge salads, some fruits can help too.
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    miritikvah wrote: »
    Physical hunger or emotional/boredom? Yeah if ur meeting nutrition plus eating idk y?

    Its a mixture of both, but mainly physical hunger. Maybe I need to eat dinner a bit later? I usually eat at around 6pm
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    subcounter wrote: »
    I usually save some calories for the night after dinner. I personally enjoy Kellogg's fiber cereal with low fat milk, and some protein powder. It keeps me full for hours until I go to sleep. You gotta find your own food that keeps you full in a way I suppose. Huge salads, some fruits can help too.

    I suppose I could try having smaller snacks throughout the day, but have a bigger snack before bed?
  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think eating later helps me
  • DanSanthomes
    DanSanthomes Posts: 135 Member
    At the risk of getting crucified.... I was the same when i started tracking.

    Was fine right up until main evening meal but, 2 hours later, got peckish - every night. Couldn't find anything i liked that sated me so... I skipped breakfast. (I don't have a physical job so wasn't getting hungry until around 11AM - quick snack, good sized lunch and dinner then it left me with about 300+ cals left for the rest of the evening).

    With this method I can still work out 'fasted' in a morning, I don't have hunger pangs (until 11AM) - so it's sustainable, AND I'm losing weight.

    *If I've done HIIT/Cardio in the morning I may put a bit of milk in my protein shake which seems to tell the stomach it's full.

    Good luck.
  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    At the risk of getting crucified.... I was the same when i started tracking.

    Was fine right up until main evening meal but, 2 hours later, got peckish - every night. Couldn't find anything i liked that sated me so... I skipped breakfast. (I don't have a physical job so wasn't getting hungry until around 11AM - quick snack, good sized lunch and dinner then it left me with about 300+ cals left for the rest of the evening).

    With this method I can still work out 'fasted' in a morning, I don't have hunger pangs (until 11AM) - so it's sustainable, AND I'm losing weight.

    *If I've done HIIT/Cardio in the morning I may put a bit of milk in my protein shake which seems to tell the stomach it's full.

    Good luck.

    You've got the right idea. It doesn't matter when you eat your calories, do what works for you. Track them daily but look at the bigger picture. It's your weekly and monthly calories that will make the big differences not the specific daily and definitely not when in your day you consume them.
  • xnaturallybx
    xnaturallybx Posts: 259 Member
    At the risk of getting crucified.... I was the same when i started tracking.

    Was fine right up until main evening meal but, 2 hours later, got peckish - every night. Couldn't find anything i liked that sated me so... I skipped breakfast. (I don't have a physical job so wasn't getting hungry until around 11AM - quick snack, good sized lunch and dinner then it left me with about 300+ cals left for the rest of the evening).

    With this method I can still work out 'fasted' in a morning, I don't have hunger pangs (until 11AM) - so it's sustainable, AND I'm losing weight.

    *If I've done HIIT/Cardio in the morning I may put a bit of milk in my protein shake which seems to tell the stomach it's full.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice. I get super hungry in the mornings, but during the day I'm not often hungry in between meals. I think I will save up the snacks for later!
  • MerchantJohn
    MerchantJohn Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be the same. I really struggled in the evenings and would 'fall off the wagon' in the end I found it was the time between meals that was my answer. During the day I had routine, so was eating and also drank lots of water however later in the day / evening I wouldn't drink anywhere near as much and leave it longer between meals / snacks because it was easier and training got in the way. Now I spread my meals better in the day eat slightly less early saving m ore calories for the evening. I eat closer together and drink plenty of water in the evening. It works! Only downside is that I visit the toilet more in the night! LoL although that might be my age too ;-) PMSL!
  • SallyAnnFromChichester
    A handful of FROZEN seedless grapes works for me and a glass of water or cup of tea/coffee.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    edited February 2017
    This happened to me a lot when I first started back on this journey. I'd be fine all day, eating clean, balancing the macros, getting lots of fiber, drinking lots of water, eating right up to my calorie limit, and doing everything "right" and feeling fine, but as soon as I got into bed, my tummy would start growling. I couldn't just go get some water, because I'd be up all night peeing. Eventually, I just got used to it, and after a few weeks it went away. A lot of people will tell you that if you feel hungry at all then you're not eating enough, and often that is the case, especially once you've been on this journey for a bit...however, when you're just coming off of years of consistently overeating and possibly late-night snacking, you may be dealing with a tummy that is very accustomed to it and going into rebellion since you've started eating at a deficit or maybe even just at maintenance level. If some degree of hunger is unbearable for you, you might want to up your cals so that you're losing way more slowly but feeling more sated. I'm personally aiming for 2 lbs a week, which, meant a bit of hunger in the beginning (except on days where I exercised a buttload to be able to eat lots more, Haha). Everyone likes to ask, "what's the rush" in these forums, but I know myself, and if I don't get strong results in the beginning, I know I will lose motivation. Yes, it's a lifestyle change, but some of us aren't great at delaying gratification yet and that little boost on the scale in the beginning might be enough to sell us on the lifestyle! (That's how it works for me anyway.) And 2 lbs/week isn't unreasonable, especially if you're currently at a really unhealthy BMI. But it's not for everyone. I'm also paying extremely close attention to my nutritional intake now and eating really nourishing foods and taking vitamins so that I'm not causing harm to my body in the process. I'm actually more concerned with micronutrients than macronutrients, and it's been paying off in terms of keeping my energy up. As I mentioned before, it's not for everyone, and if you don't have time to monitor your nutrient intake closely, don't want to deal with a wee bit of hunger in the beginning, and don't really need early gratification on the scale to stay motivated, then I would aim for a slower loss and bump up the cals a bit. That, or really bump up your exercise significantly so that you can eat a lot more and still lose at the faster 2 lb rate. ;) You could also try bumping up your protein, fiber, and water intake if they're low. That certainly works for a lot of folks. Of course, I don't know anything about your situation and goals and stats. That's all just based on my own personal experience. As in all things, folks can take what they like and leave the rest. Hope some of it helps. :smile:
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    Yesss!! That happened to me the first 2 weeks I was following MFP calories. Either I would go to bed starving or wake up starving to the point I felt sick. I just re-arranged my calories throughout the day so I have more calories for dinner and a snack - I also drink ALOT of water and take a drink after 2 bites, every time. It helps fill me up :)
  • SteveC_71
    SteveC_71 Posts: 31 Member
    I find I get hungry before bed if we have had our evening meal earlier than normal so try not to eat that until I'm hungry. On the occasions when I'm too hungry to sleep I'll reach for a bowl of chopped up fruit.

    One thing I have realised though is that I can go to bed feeling a little bit hungry and survive until morning without wasting away :) I used to snack as I felt peckish just before bed when really I didn't need it as would be asleep within the hour and can wait till breakfast.