I am new to fitnesspal

Hello everyone,

I would have to say I am new to fitnessspal. But I am already getting the hang of how it works. I am just hoping I can keep up with it. My name is Rebecca but everyone calls me Becky. I am really out of shape I have been this way since I got pregnant with my first and only child. I have struggled with this weight for 5 years now. I have finally realize if I want to be here longer for my son and family then it is time to take back my life and get in shape and start being healthy. :)


  • jasmarie24
    jasmarie24 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Becky! Glad to hear that you are ready to start making some changes in your life. I've been on here for a few years now but I feel like i'm starting all over again myself. A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to be healthier too, but I decided to go about it in a different way. This is not only a weight loss journey for me , i'm trying to be healthier mentally and emotionally too. I've been adding friends on here for support and motivation and that has been wonderful. It's great to know that I am not alone in how I feel. Maybe we can help support and motivate each other! You can do this Becky!
  • reyswife81714
    reyswife81714 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to mfp Becky I'm new as well and can relate to gaining weight during pregnancy that I haven't been able to lose my son will be 2 in June and I'm almost 200 lbs just started on Monday I need all the motivation I can get as well as I can do for you maybe we can motivate each other and share what's been working so far please feel free to add me since I can't seem to find where to add friends
  • Welcome,wishing you nothing but success along your journey :) your more than welcome to add me :)