Entering weight updates on the app versus website

cchhiipp22 Posts: 37 Member
edited February 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Something is fishy. I was at 160 lbs with a net calorie allowance of 1700 exactly.

Then I used the app to update my weight to 159 lbs today, and as a result my net calories went up to 1710.

Then later I went to the desktop website and checked my settings (Home > Settings > Update diet/fitness profile). I didn't change anything there (it had me at 159 lbs per my app update). I clicked "Update profile" and (without changing any numbers) my net calories dropped to 1690.

Why are the app and website coming up with different net calorie numbers for the same input data? Which one is "right"?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    My guess is that the MFP software developers are divided into at least three teams: web. iOS, and Android. Although the underlying equations may be used for all three platforms, the software developers' choice of when to round interim values during the calculations results in different outcomes. Also, as far as I can tell, the daily Calorie goals increase or decrease in multiples of ten.

    I would pick one of the platforms, the web or the mobile app, and only update goals on one of them.