Cure for bloating



  • sarahhan95
    sarahhan95 Posts: 25
    I want to open a party and celebrate today because the bloating is gone, haha :D!!!! I'm not too sure what is a culprit or what cures it though. Not good since it might come back.

    I think the activated charcoal helped a LOT, as the bloating is gone after two days of taking these. I also cut out the protein powder for the past two days, but I'm still not sure this is the cause since I have drunk it for the past 3 months. Can you just randomly react against something?

    Anyway, to sum up, my bloat is gone after taking activated charcoal, cutting dairy COMPLETELY out of my diet, and drinking lemonade with a lot of mint leaves. I also find coffee beneficial for digestion, and abs exercises seem to release the tension quite a bit.

    Thank you guys so much for your advices! Who needs the doctor when you have myfitnesspal :P
  • MissyShelle776
    I was going to mention the protein powder as well. Years ago, I would do a protein shake after a workout and do just fine. I re-started some about a year ago and Holy Bloat Batman. I stopped them and the bloat went away. I asked my doctor about it and she said since i am lactose intolerant, the whey and lactose in the powder were bothering me. I work very hard now to avoid cow's milk and any protein powders with whey in them. If I don't, I know i'm going to look pregnant.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    Try adding digestive enzymes to your diet and also increase your water intake. I take 1-2 (depending on the meal) with every meal and it helps with digestion and "bloating."
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    whey protein does it to me, I won't touch that stuff ever again... I am also taking align probiotic now for about 4 months, feel like a normal person again
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    i am also constantly bloated along with horrible horrible gas pains (TMI too bad!) that have felt like heart attacks before
    I went to a gastro dr and was told to cut out wheat and dairy and i do feel like it has helped a LOT but i still do get bloated. not really pain anymore. i also cut out coffee which has helped.