Cravings and carbs

Hi ... so I have been eating healthy (higher protein and lower carb with plenty of veggies and healthy fats) since the new year and am down 10 pounds. I definitely notice a pattern of cravings after I eat wheat bread, high carb fruit, atkins bar or a potato at lunch. My energy is good and no cravings when I stick to protein shakes, almond milk and berries for breakfast and large salad with fresh veggies, roast chicken, sprinkle of sunflower seeds and EVOO with balsamic for lunch. Snacks are cottage cheese, greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, string cheese or raw almonds and dinner might be lean protein and a couple of servings of steam veggies with almond milk. When I deviate I crave junk. When I eat a cookie or chips my body feels awful an hour or so after. I have about 50 pounds to lose and have recently started walking tapes with light hand weights. I have to eat balanced meals or my hypoglycemia kicks in big time. I am having trouble getting in 1200 - 1300 calories per day and feel like I am eating all the time. Is it alright to limit my carbs on a consistent basis since they make me feel so lousy? Sorry so long and thanks for any feedback!!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have a longstanding policy of not eating things that make me feel lousy.

    It hasn't let me down yet.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Eat foods you like, eat foods that are nourishing for you. If you are having trouble meeting goals (and don't want many carbs) then add more calorie dense foods.....nuts, nut butters, olive oil, full fat dairy. When you get to goal you will have more calories still.....not sure how you will manage.

    Lifestyle changes.....if you plan on eating low carb for life, then carry on plenty of people do it. I don't see myself giving up bread, potatoes, and high carb fruit for life, but then I don't have medical issues either.
  • UltraVegRunnerBabe
    UltraVegRunnerBabe Posts: 163 Member
    Don't blame everything on carbs. Cookies and chips are obviously processed junk foods but can be made healthy at home. Definitely check out High Carb Hannah on YouTube. She is amazing!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    There is no minimum carb level nor such a thing as a carb deficiency. You can safely, and healthfully, lower your carbs to virtually zero as long as you are eating quality animal products for nutrients (more steak, fish and eggs and not all bacon or sausages... just some ;) ).

    I too find that carbs cause cravings in me. Even my favorite veggies tend to lead to eating more for me. If I keep my carbs very low (under 30g) I find that my carb cravings are basically gone and my appetite is lower. Lower carb does not have that effect on everyone, but for those who experience, I say enjoy it!

    If you want to cut back on the volume of food, because you feel you are eating all the time, add more fats to your diet. A pat of butter on veggies or cheese sauce on your chicken will add calories without the bulk. Also, most people who eat low carb also eat higher fat. It's a bit of work to get past the old myth that fats are bad for you (besides artificial/man made trans fats that is) but if you add in fats, it can make eating more pleasant and flavourful, IMO.

    My fats are at about 75% or 115-120g, but I am on the lower end of the low carb (high fat) spectrum.

    BTW, I lived with reactive hypoglycemia for decades. I just thought I'd have to eat every two hours for the rest of my life. Now that carbs are not my main fuel source, falling blood glucose is no longer a problem for me. I use fat for fuel - I have more than enough to tide me over 4-6 hours between meals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited February 2017
    luangie16 wrote: »
    Hi ... so I have been eating healthy (higher protein and lower carb with plenty of veggies and healthy fats) since the new year and am down 10 pounds. I definitely notice a pattern of cravings after I eat wheat bread, high carb fruit, atkins bar or a potato at lunch. My energy is good and no cravings when I stick to protein shakes, almond milk and berries for breakfast and large salad with fresh veggies, roast chicken, sprinkle of sunflower seeds and EVOO with balsamic for lunch. Snacks are cottage cheese, greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, string cheese or raw almonds and dinner might be lean protein and a couple of servings of steam veggies with almond milk. When I deviate I crave junk. When I eat a cookie or chips my body feels awful an hour or so after. I have about 50 pounds to lose and have recently started walking tapes with light hand weights. I have to eat balanced meals or my hypoglycemia kicks in big time. I am having trouble getting in 1200 - 1300 calories per day and feel like I am eating all the time. Is it alright to limit my carbs on a consistent basis since they make me feel so lousy? Sorry so long and thanks for any feedback!!

    Sounds like you have a larger problem junk food, rather than carbs. All the things you describe as making you hungry are loaded with fats, carbs and salt; one of the most hyperpalatable combinations. If anything, you should focus on keeping protein fiber high, and eating the whole carbs/fats that you enjoy.

    If you want treats occassionally that have a better macronutrient profile, I would recommend . Some great protein based deserts.
  • luangie16
    luangie16 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much for the valuable feedback.

    Lemon - where do you see fats, carbs and salt in my routine eating plan? I crave junk occasionally but it is only triggered after I eat a carby English muffin or high fiber cereal so I am trying to avoid those types of foods. I have really been paying attention to my eating patterns and how my body feels after eating certain foods and combinations of foods.

    Momketo - I am interested in hearing how you have had success with lower carbs and more fats to prevent your reactive hypoglycemia. I honestly believe I am in the same boat. When I eat lower carbs and higher protein with healthy fats I feel amazing. For the past month my blood sugar is stable, I have lots of energy and feel completely in control. Have you had success doing this longer term? Do you find that you can have a slice of whole wheat bread with your protein egg or do you minimize grains, eating more nutrient rich veggies? I would love to eat breakfast at 7:30 and then not eat again until 12/12:30 if I can find the right food combinations. Thanks so much!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    luangie16 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the valuable feedback.

    Lemon - where do you see fats, carbs and salt in my routine eating plan? I crave junk occasionally but it is only triggered after I eat a carby English muffin or high fiber cereal so I am trying to avoid those types of foods. I have really been paying attention to my eating patterns and how my body feels after eating certain foods and combinations of foods.

    Momketo - I am interested in hearing how you have had success with lower carbs and more fats to prevent your reactive hypoglycemia. I honestly believe I am in the same boat. When I eat lower carbs and higher protein with healthy fats I feel amazing. For the past month my blood sugar is stable, I have lots of energy and feel completely in control. Have you had success doing this longer term? Do you find that you can have a slice of whole wheat bread with your protein egg or do you minimize grains, eating more nutrient rich veggies? I would love to eat breakfast at 7:30 and then not eat again until 12/12:30 if I can find the right food combinations. Thanks so much!

    I got it from: "When I deviate I crave junk. When I eat a cookie or chips my body feels awful an hour or so after. " <--those items are typically high in salt, fat and carbs.

    I guess it's possible I am misreading: "I definitely notice a pattern of cravings after I eat wheat bread, high carb fruit, atkins bar or a potato at lunch."
  • luangie16
    luangie16 Posts: 12 Member
    Got it, thanks. I agree that cookie, tortilla chips are junk but I am not normally hungry for them unless I eat something high carb which may sometimes trigger a craving for junk. I do better when I pair the carb with a good amount of protein and fat which keeps everything in check. Thanks for responding!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited February 2017
    luangie16 wrote: »
    Got it, thanks. I agree that cookie, tortilla chips are junk but I am not normally hungry for them unless I eat something high carb which may sometimes trigger a craving for junk. I do better when I pair the carb with a good amount of protein and fat which keeps everything in check. Thanks for responding!

    Just keep playing around with foods until you get the right combination that keeps you full. My low carb days are a bit rough. My high carb days are fantastic. With my mom's hypoglycemia, she eats more complex sources of carbs with protein throughout the day. That has worked best for her for over 50 years.

    ETA: for me to stay full, i generally have to hit 1g of protein per lb of weight. And I have to keep fiber around 20 or 30g.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I had to get a little crazy with fiber in order to feel full. I started having Fiber One cereal every morning in my yogurt, and that seems to have helped a bit. I spent three weeks absolutely STARVING when I decided to change up breakfast from a boiled egg and crispbread crackers to yogurt and cereal. It made a HUGE difference.

    Plus also, now I poop like a champ.

    Apples as an afternoon snack with some cheese or nuts or nut butter helps bridge that gap between lunch and dinner, too. I'll round out the evening with popcorn or cottage cheese if I'm hungry after dinner and still have calories to work with.

    Generally speaking, I have to stay away from pizza because I have to have all the pizza, but otherwise, once I figured out my hunger patterns and what helps me feel satisfied, those weird carb cravings and binges really subsided.
  • slmerklinger
    slmerklinger Posts: 1 Member
    If you are just craving that chip feeling I have found that pork rinds are awesome for that. You can get them in so many different flavors and you don't have to feel guilty. :smile: