Looking For Hypothyroidism Friends

Hi! I just found out I have hypothyroidism, and I'm more determined than ever to evict these extra 50lbs that have decided to try to live rent free. I don't have any personal friends that are dealing with sub par adrenal glands like myself, so here I am. Motivation can be difficult sometimes with the bad days that come with hypothyroidism, so I'm looking for friends that can help me stick with my workouts and diet while I do the same for them.
Anyone interested in having friends for challenges and such add me please!


  • DreamFeatherLC
    DreamFeatherLC Posts: 12 Member
    Diagnosed hypothyroid in 2005. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I was also just diagnosed with PCOS last year. I have Low Vit D and low B12 levels (common with thyroid issues)
    My mom is an RN and I was lucky to have an excellent Dr who diagnosed my thyroid condition while I was still technically within 'lab normal' TSH (the lab ranges for that have since changed)
    I currently take an NDT since I don't work well on T4 suppliments alone....metformin for PCOS and Vit D and B12 suppliments.
    Make sure you check very carefully on what foods impact the efficacy of thyroid replacement drugs (grapefruit is one)...they don't always remember to go over foods.
    I was able to maintain only a 10lb gain over my lifetime normal weight after getting on the proper thyroid meds UNTIL the PCOS hit about 2013...then I went up to what I weighed at 9 months pregnant. I'm now down just over 10lbs from that (although I still have about 15 to go)
    Sending you an add request.
  • WyldcatGirl1
    WyldcatGirl1 Posts: 2 Member
    I spent 2 years in Florida trying to convince doctors that there was something wrong, they blamed my exhaustion on stress and my sudden weight gain on getting older and wouldn't listen to me that this was such a major change for me that there had to be something more to it. Then we were able to move back home where I could see my long time doctor who knew immediately that there was something not right. After a ton of tests, I was diagnosed as hypothyroid and began being treated...the difference was so drastic initially but it didn't take long for that to change. Seems like I'm on a constant roller coaster of trying to adjust meds...but I at least feel able to function again. I lost 30 lbs a little over a year ago but then gained it back during all that changing and have been fighting to lose again. Currently I seem to be having success with following a low carb plan...I'm just hoping that lasts.
  • M1CH3LL3B3LL3
    M1CH3LL3B3LL3 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • ReKimberly
    ReKimberly Posts: 12 Member
    I think I've added everyone so far, but if I've missed you by mistake then add me please.
  • LesleyPaige91
    LesleyPaige91 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a little late but I'm 25 and just got diagnosed as well! My ultrasound has been sent off as have another blood test so I'm waiting for results and hopefully can get on medication. This has been a huge set back for me, and you, I'm sure, but together we can do it chicky!
  • ReKimberly
    ReKimberly Posts: 12 Member
    Added you!
  • DreamFeatherLC
    DreamFeatherLC Posts: 12 Member
    I spent 2 years in Florida trying to convince doctors that there was something wrong, they blamed my exhaustion on stress and my sudden weight gain on getting older and wouldn't listen to me that this was such a major change for me that there had to be something more to it. Then we were able to move back home where I could see my long time doctor who knew immediately that there was something not right. After a ton of tests, I was diagnosed as hypothyroid and began being treated...the difference was so drastic initially but it didn't take long for that to change. Seems like I'm on a constant roller coaster of trying to adjust meds...but I at least feel able to function again. I lost 30 lbs a little over a year ago but then gained it back during all that changing and have been fighting to lose again. Currently I seem to be having success with following a low carb plan...I'm just hoping that lasts.

    My levels would never stabilize on synthroid. That's why my doctor switched me to an NDT.
    I've also noticed that I tend to have issues with gluten so I do a mostly gluten-free diet.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Can I ask what a NDT is?

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 25, and hypothyroidism with goiters when I was 32. In 2014, I had a total thyrodectomy because of thyroid cancer in the goiters. I've been obese ever since I hit puberty and topped out at 380. I lost 90 lbs in 2012, but gained almost all of it back after the whole thyroid thing, so I'm back to square one trying to get it off again.

    I'm on the name brand synthroid because I had an allergic reaction to the generic my pharmacy was using, but even though my endo has my numbers down to 0.1 (normal is 1 to 3, right?), I'm still showing most of the signs for being hypothyroid with the weight gain, depression problems, and exhaustion. About the only hyper thing I've seen is I don't deal with heat well.

    My endo has offered to put me on the armour natural thryoid med, and my pharmacy does carry it - and it's cheaper than the synthroid name brand! I go to church with a lady who swears by it, saying she felt so much better after taking it than she ever did on levyvoxtherone. Has anyone else here tried it compared to the synthetic meds? I'm seriously considering giving it a try!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Diagnosed back in my 20's with hypothyroidism - Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and a goiter. Was up to 235 when I had my daughter and after I had her around 205 was told that I probably wouldn't lose the weight or it would be very difficult. I love to prove it wrong. I dedicated myself to a positive healthy change and lost almost 52 pounds in 26 weeks and have maintained it ever since. I have MFP to thank in part. Would love to motivate and support. Feel free to add me.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    NDT = Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Rather than synthetic derived hormone that contains both T3 and T4 supplementation.

    T3 and T4 are also both available from synthetic sources, but Levothyroxine (T4) brand name Synthoid is the most common prescription. Liothyronine Sodium (T3; triiodothyronine) or Triostat is available, but rarely prescribed.

    If anyone is looking for motivation Gillian Michaels has Hashimotos. There are several elite level athletes who have this as well. Check out the research of Jeffrey Brown - endocrinologist. He revolutionized endocrinology and the treatment of hypothyroidism.
  • ReKimberly
    ReKimberly Posts: 12 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    NDT = Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Rather than synthetic derived hormone that contains both T3 and T4 supplementation.

    T3 and T4 are also both available from synthetic sources, but Levothyroxine (T4) brand name Synthoid is the most common prescription. Liothyronine Sodium (T3; triiodothyronine) or Triostat is available, but rarely prescribed.

    If anyone is looking for motivation Gillian Michaels has Hashimotos. There are several elite level athletes who have this as well. Check out the research of Jeffrey Brown - endocrinologist. He revolutionized endocrinology and the treatment of hypothyroidism.

    I forgot that I had read that she has hashi's.
    I'm hoping to be prescribed ndt...even though it kind of grosses me out a bit at the moment. Mind over matter! Haha
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    NDT natural disiccated thyroid. Ah! I should have known!

    I definitely want to try it. I was supposed to have seen my endo last week, but she canceled the appointment due to a personal emergency, so I'm going to have to wait until spring now to get a prescription put in. I'm really hoping it helps my energy levels, because right now, they're pretty much in the dirt.
  • Kim1118
    Kim1118 Posts: 57 Member
    Please add me. I'm hypo and was diagnosed about 3 years ago.
  • Kim1118
    Kim1118 Posts: 57 Member
    BTW, I take Armour Thyroid...I swear by it!
  • ReKimberly
    ReKimberly Posts: 12 Member
    Any others with an underachiever of a thyroid please join!
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 131 Member
    My endo has offered to put me on the armour natural thryoid med, and my pharmacy does carry it - and it's cheaper than the synthroid name brand! I go to church with a lady who swears by it, saying she felt so much better after taking it than she ever did on levyvoxtherone. Has anyone else here tried it compared to the synthetic meds? I'm seriously considering giving it a try!

    When I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I was place on Synthroid. After about three years, my symptoms had gotten much worse. I was slowly gaining weight no matter what I did and was tired all the time. I had a friend recommend Armour Thyroid to me. I am so very thankful my doctor was willing to change my prescription, and I have been on it for the last 10 years or so. I finally returned to my "normal" self with having the energy I needed and could actually lose weight again. Several years ago, there was a shortage of desiccated pig thyroid gland which eventually effected the supply of most of the NDTs on the market. I went through a three to six month period of having to go back onto Synthroid. My doctor also prescribed a synthetic T3 to go along with it. Within a short time, all my old symptoms returned. I felt awful. I was never so happy to be able to go back onto a NDT. I am currently taking NatureThroid which is very similar to Armour. Over the years, Armour has had some manufacturing issues. That's why I switched to NatureThroid instead. If you found a doctor who is willing to prescribe Armour or other NDTs, give it a try. You will know pretty quick if it is going to be a better fit for you. You may also want to check out: https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/. It has a lot of information on NDTs you might find useful.
  • mbaroncelli
    mbaroncelli Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about six years ago and have been on Levothyroxine since. Two years ago I lost 30 pounds, but in the past year I've really struggled with on and off again healthy eating. I really feel that my thyroid plays a big part in feeling so unmotivated sometimes. Does anyone recommend following a specific meal plan or certain foods to avoid? Thanks!