Is there a temporal limit to caloric intake?



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    serindipte wrote: »
    The human body has a calorie amount it uses to fuel itself and its burned over 24 hours however the body doesnt know what time it is. Outside of that you are ultimately responsible for feeding it the nutrients to keep going and while you COULD fast for 6 days and eat your entire calorie goal on day 7, why would you want to? you are going to feel sick and miserable half way through because the body isnt getting any source of energy other then your body fat and possibly some protein from it eating your lean muscle if it happens to need them. Just because the math can be done in multiple ways doesn't mean you can use all the solutions without consequences

    But OP's example was eating 1,200 one day and 1,800 the next (which is perfectly reasonable and sustainable). I don't know how you get from that to eating 0 for six days in a row and then 10,500 on the 7th day.

    I think that was in response to the LP STD post

    LP STD is the OP.


    As others have stated, our metabolisms work 24/7 and the body doesn't know what time it is. The calorie deficit required to lose weight works on a continuum and is not dictated by the 24 hours it takes for the Earth to complete a rotation on its axis.

    To be fair, it doesn't care about a week timeframe either, but heck let's not get crazy. :smiley: